chauvinist是什么意思 chauvinist的翻译、中文解释

  chauvinist是什么意思 chauvinist的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 词读:’chauvinist’的意思是指过分爱国、过分自信的人,特指对于自己所属的国家、种族、性别等有极端偏见和优越感的人。

  2. 词源探源:’chauvinist’源于法国时期的一个人名叫Nicolas Chauvin,他是一名极端的拥护者和忠诚者,因此被用来形容具有极端偏执和狂热的人。

  3. 例句运用:

  - He is such a chauvinist that he thinks men are always superior to women in every aspect.

  - Some people are chauvinistic about their country and refuse to believe that other nations could be better in any way.

  - She refused to hire any male employees because of her chauvinistic attitude towards women’s ability in the workplace.

  - The political party’s chauvinistic rhetoric led to a rise in nationalist sentiment among the public.

  - He is a chauvinist who always insists on doing things his own way, regardless of others’ opinions or input.

  4. 讨论拓展:除了以上的意义和用法之外,’chauvinist’还有一些更加具体的用法和表述,例如:

  - Male chauvinist:指对于男性的优越感和男尊女卑的思想,常用于形容男性中的守旧和狭隘。

  - Nationalist chauvinist:指对于民族的过度自信和优越感,与民族主义和排外主义有关。

  - Racial chauvinist:指对于种族的同样过分自信和偏见,常用于形容白人至上主义者。

  - Sports chauvinist:指对于某个运动队或运动员的过分支持和偏见,常见于体育界。

  chauvinist的中文翻译为沙文主义者,读作 shā wén zhǔ yì zhě。


  1. He is a chauvinist who always thinks men are superior to women. (他是一个沙文主义者,总认为男人比女人优越。)

  2. She was offended by his chauvinist remarks about women. (她对他关于女性的沙文主义言论感到很生气。)

  3. The company’s policy was criticized as chauvinist for favoring male employees over female ones. (该公司的政策因倾向男性员工而被批评为沙文主义。)



  例句:If a man was to say this, he could be branded as a chauvinist, don’t you think? (如果是一个男人这样说,那他会不会被认为是个‘沙文主义者’?)


  例句:It doesn’t matter to me whether he’s a chauvinist, a little Christer, or a nearsighted pedant. (我不在乎他是沙文主义者,是小小的虔诚,还是近视眼的书。)


  例句:The male chauvinist attitude of some people in the company could get you down. (公司里一些人的大男子主义态度会让你失望。)


  例句:Do you know the difference between a patriot and a chauvinist? (翻译:你知道一个爱国者和 盲目爱国之间的区别吗? – 什么?)

  chauvinist一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在female chauvinist((信奉)大女子主义者)、male chauvinist([法] 大男人沙文主义者)、social chauvinist(社会沙文主义者(的))等常见短语中出现较多。

  female chauvinist(信奉)大女子主义者male chauvinist[法] 大男人沙文主义者social chauvinist社会沙文主义者(的)white chauvinistwhite chauvinism的变形male chauvinist piggery[总称]男性优越主义者1. The male chauvinist attitude of some people in the company could get you down. (翻译:公司里一些人的大男子主义态度会让你失望。)

  2. Do you know the difference between a patriot and a chauvinist? (翻译:你知道一个爱国者和 盲目爱国之间的区别吗? – 什么?)

  3. I’m not a male chauvinist. (翻译:我不是大男子主义者。)

  4. He is arrogant and a bit of a chauvinist. (翻译:他傲慢,还有点儿沙文主义。)

  5. A Sinhalese-chauvinist government suits Mr Prabhakaran, helping bolster Tamil support for the Tigers. (翻译:一个锡兰沙文主义适合Prabhakaran先生,有益于为猛虎组织提供泰米尔人的支持。)

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