banderole是什么意思 banderole的翻译、中文解释

  banderole是什么意思 banderole的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 定义:Banderole是指一个窄长的带子,通常用于标记或展示信息。在广告和市场营销中,它也可以指横幅广告或挂起的标牌。缩写词Band也可以指乐队。

  2. 词源:banderole这个词来自法语,意为“小旗”,源自拉丁语word bandum,意为“一个带子”。

  3. 用法:Banderole可以用作名词,表示标牌或标志,也可以用作动词,表示用带子包裹或绑扎。

  4. 相关词汇:在广告和市场营销中,与banderole相关的词汇包括banner(横幅广告)、billboard(广告牌)和poster(海报)等。在音乐领域中,banderole的缩写词band通常指乐队。

  5. 应用场景:在广告市场中,banderole经常用于展示公司或品牌名称、口号或特别优惠。在艺术、体育等领域中,banderole也可以用于标记或展示参赛者或队伍的名称。


  1. 市场销售部门用大型banderole在购物中心展示公司的最新产品。

  2. 达美乐比萨的门店上挂有商标banderole。

  3. 乒乓球比赛中,每个队伍的banderole会放在球桌的两端。

  4. 摇滚乐队在演唱会现场挂着自己的banderole。

  5. 这个小镇用一个巨大的banderole欢迎旅游团来访。


  1. The marketing department displayed the company’s latest product with a large banderole in the shopping center.

  2. The Domino’s Pizza storefront has a trademark banderole hanging on it.

  3. In table tennis matches, the banderoles of each team will be placed at both ends of the table.

  4. The rock band hung their own banderole at the concert venue.

  5. The town welcomed the tourist group with a huge banderole.


  读音:b?n?r??l / ban-uh-rohl


  1. 我们准备了一些横幅来宣传我们的活动。

  We prepared some banners to promote our event.

  2. 这条街道上挂满了红色的条幅,庆祝中国的国庆节。

  The street was lined with red banners celebrating China’s National Day.

  3. 选举期间,每个政党都会用横幅宣传自己的政策。

  During elections, every political party uses banners to promote their policies.



  例句:The thing is that Isabel conscious of her role as princess is not aware of her role as a woman. (至于伊莎贝尔殿下 尽管她清楚她作为公主的职责 但有时却忘了该如何做一个女人)


  例句:No, no, you need to take an active role in your own grief. (不行,要面对你的悲伤 – No, no, you need to take an active role in your own grief.)


  例句:”Diane was to play the title role (黛安扮演菲洛米娜 Diane was to play the title role)


  例句:Of course, technology played a big role in faster communication, in delivering the message to the people and mobilizing them. (翻译:technology played a big role 可以更方便的传递信息 动员 in delivering the message to the people and mobilizing them.)

  1. “Diane was to play the title role (翻译:黛安扮演菲洛米娜 Diane was to play the title role)

  2. Of course, technology played a big role in faster communication, in delivering the message to the people and mobilizing them. (翻译:technology played a big role 可以更方便的传递信息 动员 in delivering the message to the people and mobilizing them.)

  3. Carambola role with blood. (翻译:具有补血生津作用。)

  4. Stand up and accept your role. (翻译:站起来接受你的使命 {cHFFFFFF}{3cH2F2F2F}{4cH000000}Stand up and accept your role.)

  5. You, on the other hand, still have an important role to play. (翻译:反倒是你 还要担起一项重要角色 You, on the other hand, still have an important role to play.)

  6. Si on arrive a les faire developper comment obtenir une copie de 35 mm avec une bande sonore (翻译:就算我们洗出来了 怎么把音轨混到胶片上去呢?)

  7. I think over time, maybe we could redefine your role. (翻译:再给我点时间 我们可以给你找个位置 I think over time, maybe we could redefine your role.)

  8. And in the role of Michael Corleone — the Archangel Raphael. (翻译:而扮演迈克尔·科里昂的正是 {3cH202020}And in the role of Michael Corleone — 大天使拉斐尔 {3cH202020}The archangel Raphael.)

  9. Today, I claim, ecology is more and more taking over this role… of a conservative ideology. (翻译:Today, I claim, 今日 我认为 ecology is more and more taking over this role… 生态学越来越扮演这个)

  10. The role of defectors is changing. (翻译:叛逃士兵的角色也在逐渐发生变化。)

  11. The clandestine organisations will play some role in public life. (翻译:The clandestine organisations 原本潜伏起来的党派将在公共生活中发挥作用。will play some role in public life.)

  12. There is one role I want to ask that all of you play: the role of messenger. (翻译:我想询问的是一个 你们都在扮演的角色: 信使的角色。)

  13. Are you familiar with role play? (翻译:你们熟悉角色扮演吗? Are you familiar with role play?)

  14. Not until we know what role he plays. (翻译:得等我们知道他扮演了什么角色 Not until we know what role he plays.)

  15. Plays a critical role in maintaining the social order. (翻译:都在维持社会秩序中扮演着重要的角色 Plays a critical role in maintaining the social order.)

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