barring是什么意思 barring的翻译、中文解释

  barring是什么意思 barring的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


  1. 解释含义

  - Barring意为“除非、假如不”、“不算上”等,表示在某种情况下被禁止、阻止或排除。

  - 例如,如果你说“Barring any unforeseen cirtances”,意思是除非有意外情况发生,否则会按照原计划进行。

  2. 使用场景

  - Barring常常用于法律、商业、体育、等方面的文本中,表示排除某些条件或者人士。

  - 例如,一份文件中可能会写到:“Barring any objections from the board, this agreement will be effective immediately.”

  3. 替换词语

  - Barring可以替换其他词语,如:除外、不计、不考虑等。

  - 例如,你可以说:I’m confident that everyone will p the exam, barring any unforeseen cirtances. 这句话中,“barring”可以被替换成“except for”或者“excluding”.

  4. 用法提示

  - Barring通常用于句首或者句中,表示一种假设或者排除情况。

  - 例如:“Barring any last-minute changes, our flight should arrive on time。” 这句话表示假设没有任何延误的情况下,飞机会准时到达。

  5. 常见表达

  - Barring不仅可以作为动词使用,还可以作为形容词来形容某些情况。

  - 例如,你可以说: “Barring a major accident, the new bridge should be completed on schedule.” 这句话中,barring除了表示排除某些情况的含义之外,还可以用作形容词来形容这种情况。


  1. Barring a sudden change in plans, I will be able to attend the meeting.


  2. The company has a strict dress code, barring any casual attire in the workplace.


  3. Barring any technical issues, the website should be up and running by tomorrow.


  4. The team is doing well, barring a few minor setbacks.


  5. Barring any unexpected expenses this month, I should be able to save some money.


  barring的意思是除非、未经、排除等。读音为 /?bɑ?r??/。



  1. Barring any unforeseen cirtances, the project should be completed on time. (除非出现意外情况,项目应该能按时完成。)

  2. Barring a few minor errors, his essay was quite good. (除了几个小错误外,他的论文相当不错。)



  例句:The center filed a restraining order barring him from the premises for threatening and erratic behavior. (- 不清楚 服务中心发布禁令 禁止他进入)


  例句:Well, barring a major setback, a public disgrace kind of deal, I’d say 18 months or so. (- 嗯 排除一些大型挫折 比如说当众受辱 18个月差不多吧)


  例句:Barring a few ungoverned pockets in Yemen and on the fringes of the Sahara, al-Qaeda has failed to benefit from the democratic wind. (守着也门和撒哈拉沙漠边上的几个无人问津的小地方,也并没有从这场旋风中得到什么好处。)


  例句:In fact the T-BFP set is in much need of the barring equipment. (翻译:其实,汽动给水泵组很需要盘车装置,小汽机需要,给水泵更需要。)

  barring一般作为介词、带刺、动词使用,如在hand barring(车把手

  门把手)、pit barring([矿业] 矿用支柱)、traffic barring(交通封锁)等常见短语中出现较多。

  hand barring车把手

  门把手pit barring[矿业] 矿用支柱traffic barring交通封锁incoming call barring[通信] 来话呼叫禁止outgoing call barring[通信] 去话呼叫禁止worm barring gearun. 蜗轮传动装置1. Barring a few ungoverned pockets in Yemen and on the fringes of the Sahara, al-Qaeda has failed to benefit from the democratic wind. (翻译:守着也门和撒哈拉沙漠边上的几个无人问津的小地方,也并没有从这场旋风中得到什么好处。)

  2. In fact the T-BFP set is in much need of the barring equipment. (翻译:其实,汽动给水泵组很需要盘车装置,小汽机需要,给水泵更需要。)

  3. Couple years at least, barring acts of God and men with axes. (翻译:至少还能活几年 这要看老天跟那帮土匪给不给面子了)

  4. And just based on that speed, barring a calamitous event like World War III to set us back, (翻译:23,814 基于这样的速度 即使有第三次世界大战阻止我们发展)

  5. Little kips all along the start line, barring them as is already haywire. (翻译:小的 kips 所有的沿着开始线, 禁止他们当做已经马马虎虎。)

  6. Barring a setback, t mac will play tomorrow. Prob no yao. (翻译:只要伤病不发作,麦迪就会打明天的比赛。姚明没有什么问题。)

  7. But Representative Andy Harris, Republican Chair of the Committee, was barring our cameras from the proceedings. (翻译:但委员会 告诉我们,不是由咨询描述。)

  8. Barring a miracle way off in the distance, we won’t get a dime. (翻译:这曾经好像天上掉下的馅饼 但是现在我们一分钱也没捞到)

  9. Barring of Incoming Calls When Roaming Outside Home PLMN Country (翻译:当漫游出归属PLMN国家后,闭锁入局呼叫)

  10. So, as I said, the odds are that barring major mistakes, the next four years will be much better than the past four years. (翻译:所以,如我前面所言,最可能出现的情况是,除非犯下重大错误,否则未来xx年会比过去xx年好得多。)

  11. For the first time in human history — and barring aliens landing or some major other pandemic, that’s the expectation from demographers, going forward. (翻译:也是人类历史上的第一次,禁止外国人登陆 或者其他一些主要瘟疫, 那就是人口统计学的期望,又向前了一步。)

  12. Barring 5 years as a soldier, and 5 more enslaved by pirates, Cervantes spent most of his life as a struggling poet and playwright. (翻译:在做了xx年士兵之后, 塞万提斯被海盗奴役了xx年, 他在人生大部分的时间中 都是一个痛苦的诗人和剧作家。)

  13. Robin’s gonna be with sandy this weekend. (翻译:{fn黑体fs22bord1shad03aHBE4aH00fscx67fscy662cHFFFFFF3cH808080}有本事你就阻挡天意 {fnarial blackfs12bord1shad04aH00fscx90fscy110}Dude,barring some act of god,)

  14. Barring any last-minute appeals or stays he’ll die under the State’s new execution procedure.: (翻译:拒绝最后上诉或缓期执行死刑 州将采用最新处决方法 替他打毒针)

  15. Earlier, party sources said senior members of the socialist and conservative camps had settled on the speaker of parliament, veteran socialist Filippos Petsalnikos, barring last-minute snags. (翻译:早期党会人员传言社会党和保守阵营的高级官员已授权于国会发言人社会党元老菲利普斯保持最后的阻拦。)

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