crescent是什么意思 crescent的翻译、中文解释

  crescent是什么意思 crescent的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 词义:crescent指新月形,即在月亮上形成一弯月形的时候,我们所看到的那个弯月形。

  2. 词性:名词。

  3. 词组搭配:crescent moon(新月)、crescent-shaped(新月形状的)、crescent wrench(月牙钳)等。

  4. 短语:no-crescent moon(非新月)、waxing crescent moon(增强的新月)、waning crescent moon(减弱的新月)等。

  5. 发音拼写:/?kr?s?nt/。


  1. The crescent moon was shining faintly in the night sky.(新月在夜空中微弱发光。)

  2. The crescent-shaped beach was beautiful and peaceful.(新月形状的海滩非常美丽和宁静。)

  3. The mechanic used a crescent wrench to tighten the bolts.(机械师用月牙钳来拧螺栓。)

  4. I prefer to stargaze when the moon is in the waxing crescent phase.(我喜欢在月亮处于增强的新月阶段时看星星。)

  5. The flag of Turkey features a white crescent on a red background.(土耳其的国旗上是白色的新月和红色的背景。)




  1. The crescent moon was shining brightly in the night sky. (新月在夜空中明亮地闪耀着。)

  2. She wore a delicate necklace with a small crescent pendant. (她戴着一条精致的项链,上面挂着一个小新月形的吊坠。)

  3. The park had a crescent-shaped lake in the center. (公园中心有一个新月形的湖。)



  例句:And that crescent there is the moon Enceladus, which is about as big as the British Isles. (那里的新月形就是恩克拉多斯卫星, 差不多和不列颠诸岛一样大。)


  例句:In the acute phase, subdural hematomas appear as hyperdense, crescent shaped extra-axial collections. (在急性期,硬膜下血肿表现为脑外新月状高密度影。)


  例句:And that crescent there is the moon Enceladus, which is about as big as the British Isles. (那里的新月形就是恩克拉多斯卫星, 差不多和不列颠诸岛一样大。)


  例句:In the acute phase, subdural hematomas appear as hyperdense, crescent shaped extra-axial collections. (翻译:在急性期,硬膜下血肿表现为脑外新月状高密度影。)

  crescent一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在the crescent([网络] 下弦月;新月形;新月大街)、epithelial crescent([医] 上皮新月)、fatigue crescent(月状疲劳痕)等常见短语中出现较多。

  the crescent[网络] 下弦月;新月形;新月大街epithelial crescent[医] 上皮新月fatigue crescent月状疲劳痕golden crescent金新月gray crescent[医] 灰质新月(脊髓)grey crescent灰[色]新月head crescent(内啮合齿轮泵)带隔板端盖La Crescent[地名] 拉克雷森特 ( 美 )mesodermal crescent中胚层半月体Mornington Crescent[网络] 摩令顿街;摩宁段库利笙站;莫宁顿新月站1. And that crescent there is the moon Enceladus, which is about as big as the British Isles. (翻译:那里的新月形就是恩克拉多斯卫星, 差不多和不列颠诸岛一样大。)

  2. In the acute phase, subdural hematomas appear as hyperdense, crescent shaped extra-axial collections. (翻译:在急性期,硬膜下血肿表现为脑外新月状高密度影。)

  3. that can be domesticated than the Middle East’s Fertile Crescent. (翻译:又适合饲养动物的 没一个地方及得上中东的新月沃土.)

  4. Tepals white, violet veined, base mottled with purple; seeds subdeltoid or crescent-shaped-deltoid, flat. (翻译:花被白色,紫色的脉,基础用紫色呈杂色;种子近三角形的或新月形正三角形,平。)

  5. And the clouds? Well, now, brothers and sisters, they’re not the only thing threatening’ the Crescent City. (翻译:和云,兄弟姐妹, 是不是唯一的危险在我们的城市。)

  6. In the north, a traditional dish for the feast is “Jiaozi” or dumplings shaped like a crescent moon. (翻译:在北方,年夜饭的传统饭是“饺子”或像月牙儿形的汤圆。)

  7. The moon will be new tomorrow and then in a waxing crescent phase in the west after sunset in the next few days. (翻译:月亮明天将是崭新的,然后在日落后的接下来的一些日子里会渐渐转为娥眉相位。)

  8. Another Red Crescent official, Heidar Heidari, told the state news agency IRNA, that the “death toll is expected to increase. ” (翻译:另一名红新月会官员HeidarHeidari对共和国通讯社表示,“死亡人数预计将上升”。)

  9. In children with HSPN, there was an increased MIF expression in renal tissues with crescent formation and inflammatory cell infiltration. (翻译:在伴有新月体、炎性细胞浸润的肾组织中MIF表达增加明显。)

  10. I’m jogging with the captain of the best squad, so I’d say it’s pretty crescent. (翻译:我正在和最优秀的队长慢跑 所以 我说它是完美的月牙型)

  11. If you can, please remember that once a struggle for the crescent, and Shaoyi. (翻译:如果可以,请各位记得一个曾经为娥眉奋斗的人,少逸。)

  12. The first halbert is quite refined, if crescent becomes more elegant, more cute! (翻译:第一个戟特有气势,假如月牙再秀气点就更可爱了!)

  13. Unawatuna, a crescent-shaped beach a few miles south of Galle, may be furthest along. (翻译:Unawatuna,加勒南部几英里外的这个新月型海滩也许是离加勒最远一个。)

  14. Another 400, 000 kilometers away, the Moon’s sunlit crescent shines brightly, its night side illuminated by Earthshine . (翻译:而在另一边,距离我们大约40万公里远的月球在太阳的照射下闪闪发亮,其夜晚面被地照光照亮。)

  15. The address is 44 Colville Crescent. (翻译:地址是科尔维尔新月街44号。)

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