benevolent是什么意思 benevolent的翻译、中文解释

  benevolent是什么意思 benevolent的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  词组搭配:benevolent attitude(慈善的态度)、benevolent fund(慈善基金)、benevolent society(慈善协会)、benevolent dictator(仁慈的者)等。

  相关短语:benevolent smile(温和的微笑)、benevolent eyes(慈祥的眼神)、benevolent intention(善意的目的)等。





  1. The wealthy couple donated a large sum of money to the benevolent society. (这对富有的夫妇向慈善协会捐赠了一大笔钱。)

  2. The leader of the country was known for his benevolent policies towards the r. (这个国家的以其向穷人实行的仁慈政策而闻名。)



  例句:Knows that he was a benevolent man (都知道他心存仁慈 {3cH202020}knows that he was a benevolent man)


  例句:It was rather benevolent of me, offering up Lux, don’t you think? (我提议用光之吧 还是非常有慈善家风范的 你不觉得吗)


  例句:Chiang was not a statesman. He was a despot, benevolent or otherwise, and he felt all the effects of one. (蒋并非家而是一个统治者,不管是仁慈的还是不仁慈的。)


  例句:The rational steinkern in Confucian rule of virtue includes the following aspects:initiating the benevolent policy of”releasing punishment, reducing tax revenue”; (翻译:儒家德治思想中的合理内核包括如下几个方面:倡导“省刑罚,薄税敛”的仁政; )

  1. Chiang was not a statesman. He was a despot, benevolent or otherwise, and he felt all the effects of one. (翻译:蒋并非家而是一个统治者,不管是仁慈的还是不仁慈的。)

  2. The rational steinkern in Confucian rule of virtue includes the following aspects:initiating the benevolent policy of”releasing punishment, reducing tax revenue”; (翻译:儒家德治思想中的合理内核包括如下几个方面:倡导“省刑罚,薄税敛”的仁政; )

  3. Confucius know, benevolent and courageous “three-Dade” , which these factors, Rende is at its core. (翻译:孔子有知、仁、勇“三达德”之说,三者之中,仁德是其核心。)

  4. But for Dante to reach benevolent salvation, he must first find his way through Hell. (翻译:若要获得仁慈的救赎, 但丁必先穿度地狱。)

  5. The company has proved to be a most benevolent employer. (翻译:结果证明该公司是一个非常仁慈的雇主。)

  6. He sat up, fat and froggy and benevolent, like a bronze Buddha , and grew earnest. (翻译:他坐了起来,肥肥的青蛙肚,慈眉善目,活像一尊铜佛;)

  7. – Under the protection of a benevolent king and a church that would encourage education and learning. (翻译:- 在保护下 一个慈祥的国王和一个教堂 那会促进教育和学习)

  8. The more traditional branches of Judaism, especially in the Hasidic sects believe in various spirits, both benevolent and, um… (翻译:传统犹太教的分支 特别是异教派 他们信仰各种灵)

  9. Mencius’s idea of a benevolent government was only to strengthen the sovereign’s control of his nation and the power of his rule. (翻译:孟子提倡实行仁政,其目的就是为了君王能够保有自己的国家,巩固自己的统治。)

  10. That’s the day I realized that there was this… entire life behind things… and this incredibly benevolent force… that wanted me to know that there was no reason to be afraid… ever. (翻译:那天我明白到,世事万物都有生命 还有一种不可思议的仁慈力量 它想我知道世上没什么好害怕的)

  11. Will Waitrose and John Lewis suffer a dip in their benevolent reputations if they are seen to be bullying Ocado? (翻译:如果Waitrose和JohnLewis被大家认为是在“欺负”Ocado,那么它们那与人为善的名声是否会因此受损?)

  12. Most of us think of light as a positive force – benevolent, beatific, illuminating – even a symbol of goodness. (翻译:我们中的大多数认为轻如积极的力量-仁慈的,幸福的,启发性的-甚至是善良的象征。)

  13. Again, we emphasize that during the Golden Age of Atlantis, its utility had been quite benevolent. (翻译:我们再次强调,在亚特兰提斯的黄金时期,这项用途算是相当仁慈的。)

  14. This Utopian impulse inevitably went hand-in-hand with benevolent bossiness. (翻译:这种乌托邦倾向必然与仁慈的专横携手并存。)

  15. Primo de Rivera himself was a benevolent and sincere paternalist. (翻译:普里莫·德里韦拉本人是个仁慈而真诚的家长式人物。)

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