bachiller是什么意思 bachiller的翻译、中文解释

  bachiller是什么意思 bachiller的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  bachiller 是一个西班牙语单词,通常用作对于完成高中教育的人的称呼。该词的词性为名词,在西班牙语中属于男性名词。


  - bachiller en ciencias: 理科学士

  - bachiller en humanidades: 人文学士

  - bachiller en artes: 艺术学士

  - bachillerato: 高中教育


  - hacer el bachillerato: 完成高中教育




  1. Soy bachiller y estoy estudiando para ser médico. (I am a high school graduate and currently studying to be a doctor.)

  2. El bachillerato en humanidades ofrece una variedad de materias interesantes. (The humanities high school program offers a variety of interesting subjects.)

  3. Para conseguir un trabajo bien remunerado, necesitas tener un bachiller en ciencias. (To get a well-paying job, you need to have a bachelor’s degree in science.)

  4. Mi hijo está por hacer el bachillerato este a?o. (My son is about to complete high school this year.)

  5. En mi país, es obligatorio hacer el bachillerato para acceder a la universidad. (In my country, completing high school is mandatory to gain access to university.)

  6. María es bachiller en arte y trabaja como dise?adora gráfica. (María has a Bachelor of Arts degree and works as a graphic designer.)

  7. El bachillerato técnico ofrece una formación especializada para trabajar en áreas específicas. (Technical high school programs offer specialized training for working in specific areas.)





  1. En la mayoría de los países de América Latina, el bachiller es necesario para ingresar a la universidad.


  2. Ya obtuve mi bachiller en administración de empresas, ahora estoy buscando un trabajo en el área.




  例句:- Is this your father’s? “Gerald Bach.” ARTHUR: (LS这是你的父亲? “杰拉尔德。” 阿瑟:)


  例句:Bach: German composer and organist of the late baroque period. among the greatest composers in history (巴洛克时代晚期的德国作曲家和管风琴家。是历史上最伟大的作曲家之一。)


  例句:Latin Gregorian Chant, Johann Sebastian Bach, even the tambourines and guitars of the Pentecostals. (拉丁语的格列高里圣咏、 约翰?塞巴斯蒂安?、 甚至五旬宗的手鼓与吉它,皆源于此。)

  bachiller一般作为名词使用,如在Bachiller(人名 西 巴奇列尔)等常见短语中出现较多。

  Bachiller人名 西 巴奇列尔1. Latin Gregorian Chant, Johann Sebastian Bach, even the tambourines and guitars of the Pentecostals. (翻译:拉丁语的格列高里圣咏、 约翰?塞巴斯蒂安?、 甚至五旬宗的手鼓与吉它,皆源于此。)

  2. I have been a client at Kenner, Bach for 12 years! (翻译:xx年来,我一直都是你们肯纳、 事务所的客户)

  3. Now some of the greatest composers, like Bach, were combinations of these two things. (翻译:一些最伟大作曲家,比如, 是两种事物的结合。)

  4. So Bach is to demons… what garlic is to vampires. (翻译:所以相对与邪灵 就好像大蒜相对于吸血鬼)

  5. Playing in the film music by J.S. Bach, Pergolesi, Purcell (翻译:影片使用音乐 J. S. ,佩尔戈莱西,珀塞尔)

  6. Don’t tell me you suggested Bach for our program. (翻译:吉米现在去厕所了 难道 马莱乐团的计划草案中 演奏的曲目)

  7. For Mary Bach, 2 cents isn’t chump change. (翻译:对于玛丽·来说,2分钱并非可有可无的零钱。)

  8. His name is bach- johann sebastian bach. (翻译:他叫 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安· {3cH202020}His name is Bach – – Johann Sebastian Bach.)

  9. Now some of the greatest composers, like Bach, were combinations of these two things. (翻译:一些最伟大作曲家,比如, 是两种事物的结合。)

  10. Your Honor, 30 minutes ago, Ms. Bach approached my client and offered to abort the fetus for $100,000. (翻译:Bach找到我的当事人 要价十万块同意去做流产手术)

  11. The Xbox division also reports to Mr Bach. (翻译:Xbox也是先生旗下的一个部门。)

  12. You’ve reached the voicemail of Arthur Edens at Kenner, Bach Ledeen. (翻译:您现在访问的是肯纳、和莱迪恩事务所 亚瑟·伊顿的语音信箱)

  13. Men like Palestrina and Bach belong in this category. (翻译:像帕莱斯特里纳和这些人属于这种类型。)

  14. I got my inheritance in return for running the Bach charity discreetly. (翻译:我得到的回报我的继承 用于运行慈善谨慎。)

  15. Some Johann Sebastian Bach would be quite soothing. (翻译:有些约翰?塞巴斯蒂安? 将是相当柔和。)

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