aya是什么意思 aya的翻译、中文解释

  aya是什么意思 aya的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 定义:’aya’作为单词时,没有明确的英语定义;作为缩写词时,则可能代表不同的意思,如“African Youth Alliance”、“Association of Yemeni Americans”、“American Youth Association”等。


  - I’m not sure what ‘aya’ means. Could you please explain it to me?(我不确定’aya’是什么意思,请你给我解释一下。)

  - AYA stands for African Youth Alliance, a non-profit organization that focuses on youth empowerment in Africa.(AYA代表非营利性组织”African Youth Alliance”,其重点关注非洲青年的赋权。)

  2. 发音:’aya’的发音为[?a??],其中a和y分别发[?]和[i]的音。


  - How do you ounce ‘aya’?(’aya’应该怎么发音?)

  - The word ‘aya’ sounds like ‘eye-uh’.(’aya’这个单词的发音类似于’eye-uh’。)

  3. 起源:’aya’这个单词的起源不确定,可能是某个地区、语言或文化的特有词汇,例如日本的女性名字“彩”或“綾”。


  - Nobody knows for sure where the word ‘aya’ comes from.(没人确定’aya’这个单词的起源。)

  - ‘Aya’ is a popular name for girls in Japan.(’Aya’是日本女孩常见的名字。)

  4. 用途:’aya’这个单词的用途相对有限,可能用于命名、缩写、代表某个组织或团体的名称等方面。


  - The company founder named his daughter Aya.(公司创始人给他的女儿取名叫Aya。)

  - AYA is a great organization for Yemeni Americans to network and support each other.(AYA是一个很好的组织,可以让也门裔美国人互相联系和支持。)


  1. AYA是一家快速增长的初创企业。

  AYA is a fast-growing startup company.

  2. 我认识一个叫Aya的日本女孩。

  I know a Japanese girl named Aya.

  3. AYA是我最喜欢的慈善组织之一。

  AYA is one of my favorite charities.

  4. AYA是非常专业的学生组织,致力于宣传校园文化。

  AYA is a very professional student organization committed to promoting campus culture.

  5. 我曾经参加过AYA的活动,非常有趣,也认识了很多新朋友。

  I have attended AYA events before, which were very fun and I also made a lot of new friends.


  1. ‘Aya’可以是一种植物的名称,也叫做’紫萁’或’紫芽蒿’,是一种多年生草本植物,常见于中国南方和东南亚地区。

  (Aya can be the name of a plant, also known as ‘purple quinoa’ or ‘purple sprout artemisia’, which is a perennial herbaceous plant commonly found in southern China and Southeast Asia.)

  2. ‘Aya’也是伯语中的一个女性名字,意思是’来自天堂’或’神圣的’。

  (Aya is also a female name in Arabic, meaning ‘from heaven’ or ‘sacred’.)

  3. 在日本语中,“あや”(a-ya)是一个女性的名字,意思是“彩色的花朵”或“女神降临”。

  (In Japanese, “あや” (a-ya) is a female name meaning “colorful flower” or “goddess descends”.)

  4. 在菲律宾语中,“aya”可以被用来表示邀请或建议。

  (In Tagalog, “aya” can be used to indicate an invitation or suggestion.)


  1. They planted some aya in the garden last spring. (他们去年春天在花园里种了一些紫芽蒿。)

  2. Aya is a beautiful name with a special meaning. (Aya是一个有特殊含义的美丽名字。)

  3. Our tour guide Aya showed us around the city and told us about its history. (我们的导游Aya带我们参观了这个城市并讲述了它的历史。)

  4. Aya suggested that we try the local cuisine at the restaurant. (Aya建议我们到餐厅尝试当地美食。)



  例句:Aya! Maybe I’m not cut out for a company job. (唉呀!也许我不适合在公司上班。)


  例句:I want to go to the merry-go-round, demanded Aya, Mehdi’s 5-year-old daughter. Hurry up, we are losing time, she said, prodding her mother. (“我要玩旋转木马”,梅迪xx岁的女儿阿雅捅捅妈说,“快点,我们在浪费时间!”)


  例句:Aya Ezawa is a sociologist in the Japanese studies program at Leiden University in the Netherlands. (阿雅·艾兹沃是荷兰莱顿大学日本课题项目的社会学家。)


  例句:Aya Ezawa is a sociologist in the Japanese studies program at Leiden University in the Netherlands. (翻译:阿雅·艾兹沃是荷兰莱顿大学日本课题项目的社会学家。)

  1. Aya Ezawa is a sociologist in the Japanese studies program at Leiden University in the Netherlands. (翻译:阿雅·艾兹沃是荷兰莱顿大学日本课题项目的社会学家。)

  2. Aya Ezawa is a sociologist in the Japanese studies program at Leiden University in the Netherlands. (翻译:阿雅·艾兹沃是荷兰莱顿大学日本课题项目的社会学家。)

  3. Aya Shindo is an artist drawing unique worlds with a distinctive use of color. (翻译:真道彩以独特的色彩绘画创作。)

  4. Ai… and Aya… you all… (翻译:Ai … Aya … 大伙 …)

  5. I got the number, But the one Nozomu wants is you… Aya (翻译:电话号码虽然到手 没想到望山冲着美嘉你来的)

  6. According to police… the man took his life, his wife’s, her male companion’s… and 2-year-old daughter, Aya. (翻译:根据警方调查 这名男子杀害了包括他自己 他的妻子 他的同事… 以及他两岁女儿阿雅.)

  7. DOB 7/19/46 – MRS. AYA ONO OCCUPATION: (翻译:大野亚矢太太 生于 xx年xx月xx日 职业:)

  8. When she scored the opening goal on 69 minutes, it seemed that the USA was destined to win its third World Cup, but Japan equalized through Aya Miyama. (翻译:当她在第69分钟踢进第一球,美国队似乎已经稳拿第三座世界杯了,但是日本队美山绫追平了分数。)

  9. This costume operates just like any other outfit, meaning it will tear up when Aya takes damage. (翻译:当阿娅受到伤害时,它就会跟其他装备一样毁坏。)

  10. He was allowed to touch Aya and seeing her tiny fingers close in on his was just indescribable. (翻译:他被允许触摸阿雅,看到她的小指头在他手上闭在一起,是难以描述的。)

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