comic是什么意思 comic的翻译、中文解释

  comic是什么意思 comic的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 词汇含义


  2. 历史和文化意义


  3. 漫画在教育上的作用



  1. He spent his childhood reading comics. (他童年时期都在看漫画。)

  2. The comedy show was full of comic relief. (相声表演充满了滑稽的解放。)

  3. The comic book series is a cultural phenomenon. (这个漫画系列成为一种文化现象。)

  4. The comedian was famous for his comic timing. (这个喜剧演员以他的幽默感和喜剧时机而闻名。)

  5. The teacher used a comic strip to teach the students about the importance of recycling. (老师使用漫画故事来教给学生回收重要性的概念。)




  1. I love reading comic books because they always make me laugh. (我喜欢看漫画书,因为它们总是能让我笑起来。)

  2. The movie was a comic masterpiece and had the entire audience in stitches. (这部电影是一个滑稽的杰作,让整个观众捧腹大笑。)

  3. He decided to take up writing comic books after falling in love with the superhero characters. (他决定开始写漫画书,因为他爱上了超级英雄角色。)



  例句:And I brought you back your Turbo Rider comic book. (而且我还把你的极爆骑士漫画带回来了 And I brought you back your Turbo Rider comic book.)


  例句:- Only nine more months to Comic-Con. (离Comic -con动漫展只有九个月了)


  例句:The play is both comic and tragic. (这部剧既滑稽又悲惨。)


  例句:Tragic, never comic. Think of Trollus. (翻译:具悲剧性, 一点也没有喜感想想特洛伊勒斯)

  comic一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在horror comic((以暴力、耸人听闻题材为主的)惊险连环漫画)、prop comic([网络] 道具漫画)、serio comic([网络] 半严肃半诙谐的)等常见短语中出现较多。

  horror comic(以暴力、耸人听闻题材为主的)惊险连环漫画prop comic[网络] 道具漫画serio comic[网络] 半严肃半诙谐的Web comic[网络] 网络漫画;新作有1. The play is both comic and tragic. (翻译:这部剧既滑稽又悲惨。)

  2. Tragic, never comic. Think of Trollus. (翻译:具悲剧性, 一点也没有喜感想想特洛伊勒斯)

  3. Certainly a lot more women are reading comic books now. (翻译:现在确实有很多女人在看漫画书了啊 Certainly a lot more women are reading comic books now.)

  4. – Is it from a comic book? (翻译:- Where have I seen that? – Is it from a comic book?)

  5. They whiled away the time singing comic songs. (翻译:他们唱着滑稽歌曲消磨时光。)

  6. -Cartoon art and comic art is something that, you know, (翻译:- 卡通艺术和漫画艺术 是,你知道的东西,)

  7. But in the comic, it– Well, it’s a comic. Comics are just made up. (翻译:但是在漫画里 是的 那是个漫画 漫画都是编出来的)

  8. From Stuart, at the comic book store. (翻译:你孤身一人走进了漫画店啊 You went to the comic book store by yourself?)

  9. What about that girl last year at Comic-Con? (翻译:那去年Comic -con动漫展上的女生呢?)

  10. So, can I trade you my comic for the Hellboy? (翻译:我能用我的漫画换你的《地狱男爵》吗 So, can I trade you my comic for the Hellboy?)

  11. Tom Rielly delivers a comic sendup of TED2006 (翻译:Tom Rielly 对TED2006的幽默总结)

  12. Want to see a comic I draw? (翻译:要看看我画的漫画吗 Want to see a comic I draw?)

  13. The comic impact is vitiated by obvious haste. (翻译:喜剧效果被显然的匆忙削弱了。)

  14. You went to the comic book store by yourself? (翻译:是啊 挺好玩的 Yeah. It was fun.)

  15. It’s the comic book store, it’s the comic book store, it’s the comic book store! (翻译:是漫画书店! 是漫画书店! 是漫画书店!)

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