bonfire是什么意思 bonfire的翻译、中文解释

  bonfire是什么意思 bonfire的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 单词含义

  Bonfire是一个名词,指的是一个很大的篝火,通常在户外举行庆祝活动时使用。这个词源于古英语的“bone fire”,意思是“骨头火”。

  2. 发音


  3. 用法


  4. 相关短语

  - Light a bonfire:点燃篝火

  - Sit around the bonfire:坐在篝火旁边

  - Bonfire night:英国每年xx月xx日的烟火节日

  - Bonfire party:篝火晚会

  - Bonfire of the vanities:虚荣的燃烧(指一种文艺复兴时期的事件)

  5. 例句

  - The scouts built a huge bonfire and roasted marshmallows over it.(童子军们搭建了一个巨大的篝火,烤着棉花糖。)

  - We sat around the bonfire, playing guitar and singing songs.(我们坐在篝火旁边,弹着吉他唱歌。)

  - Bonfire night celebrates the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605.(烟火节庆祝xx年的阴谋失败。)

  - We’re having a bonfire party on Saay, do you want to come?(周六我们要举办篝火晚会,你想来吗?)

  - The book Bonfire of the Vanities is a hing critique of the materialism of 1980s New York.(《虚荣的燃烧》一书批判了20世纪xx年代纽约的物质主义。)




  1. We gathered around the bonfire and told stories late into the night.(我们围在篝火旁,聊天到深夜。)

  2. They burned the old furniture in a bonfire in the backyard.(他们在后院的篝火中烧掉了旧家具。)

  3. The tradition of lighting a bonfire on the beach for Midsummer is still popular in some countries.(在一些国家,为了庆祝仲夏节在海滩上点燃篝火的传统依然很流行。)



  例句:I ran back to the bonfire, trying to outrun my humiliation, I think. (我跑回营火堆旁 I ran back to the bonfire, 大概是想摆脱羞耻感吧 trying to outrun my humiliation, I think)


  例句:I saw you go off with Brody Mitchum last night at the bonfire. (昨晚营火晚会,我看见你 跟布洛迪一起离开)


  例句:But that night, sitting around the bonfire, jamming with Adam and everyone else, (但是在那一晚 坐在篝火边 和亚当 和大家一起玩乐器)

  1. But that night, sitting around the bonfire, jamming with Adam and everyone else, (翻译:但是在那一晚 坐在篝火边 和亚当 和大家一起玩乐器)

  2. As punishment, the townspeople gathered together and built a huge bonfire right here on this very spot. (翻译:镇子里的人们集合起来 还搭了个大火堆 就在这…)

  3. Hey, you going to the bonfire tonight? Sounds like fun, right? (翻译:嗨 篝火晚会去吗 听起来挺有意思的 对吧)

  4. As a bonfire dispels chilliness, so our solidarity drives away the enemy. (翻译:篝火驱散寒冷,我们的团结可以驱散敌人。)

  5. Our plane’s been gathering dust for months, but I still can’t risk a takeoff with this guy trying to throw us on a bonfire, so flying coach it is… (翻译:我们的飞机已经停了好几个月了 但有这个想把我们除尽的家伙 我不能冒险用自己的飞机)

  6. You’re beating a quick path to the everlasting bonfire and dragging us all with you. (翻译:你正走在通往不灭业火的捷径 还拖着我们跟你一起)

  7. This is a bonfire filled with effigies and insignia from the people that they hate on the other side. (翻译:这是一个“篝火”, 里面满是他们憎恨的 另一边的人们的肖像和徽章。)

  8. A pinch of this powder in a bonfire will send a flaming column screaming towards the sky. (翻译:在篝火中放入少许这种粉末 就会产生直插天空的火柱)

  9. Look, buster, we oughta tie your hands behind you… and throw you on a bonfire. (翻译:,我们要把你的手绑起来 然后把你扔到篝火堆里)

  10. They have begun their work and life, look after sheeps; Near bonfire, length is talked about , is liked joyfully in tent. (翻译:他们开始了他们的工作和生活——看着绵羊;在篝火旁长谈,在帐篷里欢爱。)

  11. Yet a bonfire of regulations would smoulder rather than blaze. (翻译:然而,监管之篝火只会闷然而不是熊熊燃烧。)

  12. Merryweather: Well, a bonfire won’t stop Maleficent. (翻译:玛丽维特:哎,一场大火是阻止不了梅尔菲森的。)

  13. Now, Dad, we’ll watch them light the bonfire, then off to bed. (翻译:爸爸,现在我们去看他们点燃篝火 然后睡觉)

  14. Sparkly copper, shimmery and flashy like a bonfire in May. (翻译:闪闪发光的铜色,像xx月的篝火般闪耀。)

  15. Okay, everybody, it is bonfire night, and we are on fire. (翻译:大家好,今天是篝火之夜 而我们也热闹非凡)

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