cordless是什么意思 cordless的翻译、中文解释

  cordless是什么意思 cordless的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


  1. 定义:Cordless是一个形容词,意为“无线的”,通常用于描述某些电子设备或工具,可以在没有电缆连接的情况下使用。

  2. 材料:一些电子设备和工具需要电缆来连接电源,但是cordless设备代表着技术上的进步,使用无线电池和无线电信号来传输数据和信息,如无线充电器和蓝牙耳机。

  3. 优点:Cordless设备无需使用电缆,因此具有更强的灵活性和便携性。这也使得它们更易于操作和携带。

  4. 应用:Cordless设备广泛应用于家庭、商业和IT等领域。例如无线电话、无线鼠标、无线音箱、无线充电器、无线路由器等。

  5. 缺点:尽管无线电池的寿命已经有了很大的改进,但它们仍然需要时不时地进行充电,这可能导致额外的成本和时间成本。


  1. The new cordless phone allows you to make calls from anywhere in the house.(新的无线电话允许你在家中任何地方打电话。)

  2. I prefer using a cordless drill because they are more portable and easy to use.(我更喜欢使用无线电钻,因为它们更便携且易于使用。)

  3. The cordless charging technology has changed the way we charge our devices.(无线充电技术改变了我们充电的方式。)

  4. This cordless mouse is perfect for those who like to work freely without being restricted by cables.(这款无线鼠标非常适合那些喜欢自由工作而不被电缆限制的人。)

  5. The cordless vacuum cleaner is much easier to maneuver around the house than a traditional vacuum cleaner.(无线吸尘器比传统的吸尘器在家里使用更容易操作。)



  1. I need to buy a cordless vacuum cleaner for my small apartment. (我需要为我小公寓购买一台无线吸尘器。)

  2. Our new cordless phone allows us to walk around the house while talking. (我们的新无线电话让我们在说话时可以在房子里走动。)



  例句:If such development continues at this pace, a future with cordless electric cars may not be too far down the road. (如果以这样的速度发展下去,公路上跑着无线充电汽车的日子就离我们不远了。)


  例句:NiCad batteries have powered everything from cordless screwdrivers to emergency lights. (镍镉电池的适用对象无所不包,从无线起子机到紧急照明灯皆有。)


  例句:The Vue personal video network lets users place cordless cameras virtually anywhere and view video in real time on the Web. (悦个人视频网络几乎可以让用户在网上随时随地利用无线摄像头观看实时视频。)

  4.无电线的 、无线的

  例句:A new father: My wife gave birth in a state-of-the-art delivery room. It was so high tech that the baby came out cordless. (翻译:新爸爸:我老婆生孩子的产房特高级,设备都是无线的,所以我儿子生出来的时候连脐带都么有。)

  1. The Vue personal video network lets users place cordless cameras virtually anywhere and view video in real time on the Web. (翻译:悦个人视频网络几乎可以让用户在网上随时随地利用无线摄像头观看实时视频。)

  2. A new father: My wife gave birth in a state-of-the-art delivery room. It was so high tech that the baby came out cordless. (翻译:新爸爸:我老婆生孩子的产房特高级,设备都是无线的,所以我儿子生出来的时候连脐带都么有。)

  3. NiCad batteries have powered everything from cordless screwdrivers to emergency lights. (翻译:镍镉电池的适用对象无所不包,从无线起子机到紧急照明灯皆有。)

  4. DECT is the standard of european cordless telecommunications, and is mainly used in tone and data communction. (翻译:DECT是欧洲无绳电话的标准,主要用于语音和数据通讯。)

  5. DeWalt 18 Volt Finishing Nailer – Performance of pneumatic – convenience of cordless power. (翻译:得伟18伏整理钉枪-气动性能-功率的无绳方便。)

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