airbrush是什么意思 airbrush的翻译、中文解释

  airbrush是什么意思 airbrush的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 定义:


  2. 历史:


  3. 应用:


  4. 注意事项:



  1. He is an expert in airbrush painting, and his works are realistic and vivid.


  2. The advertit on the wall was created using airbrush technology, which makes it look more attractive and eye-catching.


  3. The makeup artist used airbrush foundation to create a flawless and natural base for the model’s face.


  4. The car was sprayed with metallic paint using airbrush technology, which gives it a shiny and reflective suce.


  5. The tattoo artist used an airbrush to create a gradient effect on the client’s arm, it look like a realistic and beautiful work of art.






  1. He used an airbrush to create a smooth and realistic finish on the painting. (他使用气动喷枪在画作上创造出光滑逼真的效果。)

  2. The makeup artist used an airbrush to apply the foundation evenly on the model’s face. (化妆师用气动喷枪均匀地涂抹粉底在模特的脸上。)



  例句:Francesco, if you can airbrush her acne, you can airbrush the track marks. (Francesco 如果你能替她掩盖 你就能替她掩盖踪迹)


  例句:The strands of gray somebody somewhere will airbrush out. (换作别人,会用几缕灰发在某处遮住的。)


  例句:I’m really taking my time with my application right now to make these edges completely disappear, so that when I go on with my foundation, and my airbrush, and all my beauty makeup, it just looks like seamless, beautiful skin. (我在不紧不慢地上妆 尽量让衔接处消失 然后在底妆阶段)


  例句:So you can change the intensity, the frequency, the duration, the pulse shape of the ultrasound to create anything from an airbrush to a hammer. (翻译:所以可以通过改变超声波的强度、频率 波长和脉冲波形 来创造出从喷枪到铁锤的 任何东西)

  1. I’m really taking my time with my application right now to make these edges completely disappear, so that when I go on with my foundation, and my airbrush, and all my beauty makeup, it just looks like seamless, beautiful skin. (翻译:我在不紧不慢地上妆 尽量让衔接处消失 然后在底妆阶段)

  2. So you can change the intensity, the frequency, the duration, the pulse shape of the ultrasound to create anything from an airbrush to a hammer. (翻译:所以可以通过改变超声波的强度、频率 波长和脉冲波形 来创造出从喷枪到铁锤的 任何东西)

  3. I also noticed that I had been a bit reckless with the airbrush and had lost some of the definition on the man’s nose and cheek. (翻译:我还注意到我做了另一个不计后果的喷枪应用,在男人的鼻子和脸颊上降低了精晰度。)

  4. Shears, Caboodles, Trim Safe razors, Kett Cosmetics, Mehron theatrical make-up and Iwata-Medea airbrush suppliers. (翻译:剪刀,Caboodles,修剪安全剃刀,凯特化妆品,Mehron舞台化妆和磐田美狄亚喷枪供应商。)

  5. Shears, Caboodles, Trim Safe razors, Kett Cosmetics, Mehron theatrical make-up and Iwata-Medea airbrush suppliers. (翻译:剪刀,Caboodles,修剪安全剃刀,凯特化妆品,Mehron舞台化妆和磐田美狄亚喷枪供应商。)

  6. Because when I decided to go into advertising, I wanted to do — I wanted to airbrush naked people on ice, for whiskey commercials, that’s what I really wanted to do. (Laughter) But I — they didn’t let me do it, so I just — you know, they would only let me do other things. (翻译:因为当我决定从事广告行业时,我想做的是—— 在冰上喷绘的人,这是为威士忌做广告, 我真正想干的是这个。但是他们不让我这么干,所以我只好—— 他们只让些别的。)

  7. Other parenting and baby magazines claimed they did not airbrush pictures of babies but would remove “dribble”. (翻译:其他的育儿和婴儿杂志宣称他们没有修改婴儿的图片,但是可能会去除“口水”。)

  8. They know what to remember and what to airbrush out. (翻译:他们知道应该去记住什么,也知道应该去抹杀什么。)

  9. So you can change the intensity, the frequency, the duration, the pulse shape of the ultrasound to create anything from an airbrush to a hammer. (翻译:所以可以通过改变超声波的强度、频率 波长和脉冲波形 来创造出从喷枪到铁锤的 任何东西 )

  10. Because when I decided to go into advertising, I wanted to do — I wanted to airbrush naked people on ice, for whiskey commercials, that’s what I really wanted to do. (翻译:因为当我决定从事广告行业时,我想做的是—— 在冰上喷绘的人,这是为威士忌做广告, 我真正想干的是这个。)

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