caso是什么意思 caso的翻译、中文解释

  caso是什么意思 caso的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 词义:CASO是缩写,代表”Computer-Aided Sales Optimization”,即”计算机辅助销售优化”。

  2. 词性:CASO是一个名词,常作为专业术语使用。

  3. 词组搭配:无

  4. 短语:无

  5. 发音拼写:/?ke?s??/ (注意:该发音仅适用于英式英语,美式英语发音为/k?s??/)


  1. Our sales department uses CASO software to optimize our sales strategies.


  2. With CASO technology, our company has significantly improved its sales performance.


  3. CASO has become an integral part of our sales team, helping us stay ahead of the competition.


  4. The CASO system has a user-friendly intece that allows our sales staff to quickly yze and optimize sales data.


  5. We are considering implementing the CASO platform to streamline our entire sales process.



  读音:cà suǒ


  1. 我们需要仔细分析这个案例。

  Translation: We need to carefully yze this case.

  2. 这件事已经成为了一个公共的案例。

  Translation: This matter has become a case of public opinion.

  3. 我们将把这个案子交给警方处理。

  Translation: We will hand this case over to the police for handling.



  例句:The sulfur emissibility during burning cement clinker with calcium sulfate, calcium sulfite gypsum and desulphurize slag that consist of CaSO3 separately were studied in laboratory electric stove. (在实验室电炉静置煅烧条件下,研究了硫酸钙和亚硫酸钙、含亚硫酸钙的脱硫灰和石膏在水泥熟料煅烧过程中硫的逸放。)


  例句:Lotito has now gone through two coaches in less than a year in charge, after he sacked Mimmo Caso in December. (洛蒂托已经在不到xx年的时间里换了两位主教练,包括去年下课xx月份下课的卡索。)


  例句:In CASO, we could get together and cook shui jiao for New Years or just watch Chinese movies on the weekends. (在CASO,大家过新年的时候会聚在一起煮水饺吃,或者在周末时一起看中文电影。)

  1. In CASO, we could get together and cook shui jiao for New Years or just watch Chinese movies on the weekends. (翻译:在CASO,大家过新年的时候会聚在一起煮水饺吃,或者在周末时一起看中文电影。)

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