connected是什么意思 connected的翻译、中文解释

  connected是什么意思 connected的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  1. 连通的,联接的,联系的

  2. 关联的,相关的

  3. 在网上的,连接到因特网的

  4. 高科技的,智能的


  1. IoT(Internet of Things):物联网

  2. AI(Artificial Intelligence):人工智能

  3. VR(Virtual Reality):虚拟现实

  4. AR(Augmented Reality):增强现实


  1. The roads are connected by a bridge. 这些道路通过一座桥相连。

  2. The disease is connected to r living conditions. 这种病与不良生活条件有关。

  3. The printer is connected to the computer. 打印机已经连接到电脑上了。

  4. The smart watch is a connected device. 智能手表是一种连接设备。

  5. Being connected to the internet has become a basic need in modern society. 在当代社会,与互联网连接已成为基本需求。


  1. connection: 连接,联系

  2. connectivity: 连接性,联通性

  3. disconnected: 未连接的,脱离的

  4. self-connected: 自连接的





  1. He is well connected in the business world.


  2. The Internet has made people more connected than ever before.


  3. The two issues are connected and should be considered together.




  例句:It seems connected to the others. (我看到 了这个事实之后 要召 开 紧急采取会议)


  例句:Judy Hopps connected the violence to traditionally predatory animals. (Judy Hopps connected the violence to traditionally predatory animals. 朱迪哈波斯承认掠食者的天性。)


  例句:Looks like he was connected to a jihadist group in the Philippines. (看起来他跟菲律宾的 Looks like he was connected 一个组织有关 to a jihadist group in the Philippines.)


  例句:Uh, now, the dynamite is connected to the timing device which is connected to the switch, which I can’t find which is connected to the, uh battery. (翻译:被接到一个计时器 然后被接到一个开关 我找不到这开关 那开关则接到…)

  connected一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在not connected(非连接的)、direct connected(直接连接)、electrically connected(电气联接的)等常见短语中出现较多。

  not connected非连接的direct connected直接连接electrically connected电气联接的load connected装置容量,负荷量locally connected局部连通[的]multiply connected多连通[的]not connected graph非连接图not simply connected[计] 非单连通的parallel connected[网络] 并联连接1. Looks like he was connected to a jihadist group in the Philippines. (翻译:看起来他跟菲律宾的 Looks like he was connected 一个组织有关 to a jihadist group in the Philippines.)

  2. Uh, now, the dynamite is connected to the timing device which is connected to the switch, which I can’t find which is connected to the, uh battery. (翻译:被接到一个计时器 然后被接到一个开关 我找不到这开关 那开关则接到…)

  3. But they’re all connected, so it could be a new group of freelance killers. (翻译:他们互相勾结 所以也可能是一群新兴的自由杀手 All connected. it could be a group of freelance killers)

  4. And in every computer connected to it by a modem. (翻译:而且在每一台和它联网的电脑里 And in every computer connected to it by a modem.)

  5. Sherry Turkle: Connected, but alone? (翻译:Sherry Turkle: Connected, but alone?)

  6. I have been connected with his family from infancy. (翻译:我还在襁褓里时就和他家有关系了 I have been connected with his family from infancy.)

  7. – Was the band connected to any of this? (翻译:乐队跟这有关系吗 {cHFFFFFF}{3cH2F2F2F}{4cH000000}Was the band connected to any of this?)

  8. His family was not rich or powerful or well-connected. (翻译:他家不富有、没背景 也不是什么皇亲国戚 His family was not rich or powerful or well -connected.)

  9. Connected to my sensory cortex. (翻译:我的感觉皮质层的压感器 connected to my sensory cortex.)

  10. The eyes and the brain are connected. (翻译:{fnMicrosoft YaHeifs15bord1shad03aHCCb0}眼睛和大脑是相通的 {fnMS Reference Sans Seriffs12bord1shad03aHCCb0}The eyes and the brain are connected.)

  11. There’s millions connected. (翻译:一个跳舞的社区可能会有上百万人,并且大家是连结在一起的 )

  12. Lorca, Bunuel, Dali: Forbidden Pleasures and Connected Lives: Forbidden Pleasures and Connected Lives. (翻译:洛尔卡,布努埃尔,大理:禁闭的乐趣和关联生活。)

  13. However, outlying ESB segments are connected only to a Broker ESB, not directly connected to one another. (翻译:然而,边远的ESB环节只连接到代理ESB,而没有直接相互连接。)

  14. Which tends to be connected to a lot of water. (翻译:我们住在海岸边 这就意味着离不开水 We live on a coast, which tends to be connected to a lot of water.)

  15. Now the widgets are connected. (翻译:现在小部件已连接。)

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