arbitrage是什么意思 arbitrage的翻译、中文解释

  arbitrage是什么意思 arbitrage的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 词的意思:’arbitrage’ 是指通过同时买入和卖出两种或多种不同资产或货币在两个或多个市场间的价格差异中获利的行为。

  2. 词性:’arbitrage’ 是一个名词。

  3. 常用场景:’arbitrage’ 在金融领域中比较常见,尤其是在股票、外汇、期货等交易市场中。它也可以用于其他产业,例如国际贸易中通过利用货币汇率差异获利。

  4. 词组搭配:

  - risk arbitrage(风险套利):通过购买目标公司的股票并同时卖出购买公司的股票等,来赚取收购交易的差价,但存在风险。

  - convertible bond arbitrage(可转换债券套利):对可转换债券进行买卖操作以利用股票和债券价格之间的价差。

  - statistical arbitrage(统计套利):根据历史数据和数学模型来预测市场价格波动,从而获得利润。

  5. 相关短语:

  - arbitrage opportunity(套利机会):指在市场价格波动中发现能够进行套利的机会。

  - arbitrage trader(套利交易员):以套利为主要策略的交易员。

  - cross-border arbitrage(跨境套利):指在多个国家或地区的市场之间进行套利交易。

  6. 发音拼写:[‘ɑ?b?trɑ??]。




  1. He made a profit by taking advantage of the price differentials in different markets through arbitrage. (他通过套利利用不同市场的价格差异赚取了利润。)

  2. The company hired an arbitrage expert to help them navigate the complex world of financial trading. (公司雇用了一位套利专家,帮助他们在复杂的金融交易领域中找到正确的方向。)

  3. The dispute was resolved through arbitration rather than going to court. (纠纷通过仲裁解决,而不是通过法庭。)

  arbitrage的意思是”套利 、套戥”,还经常被翻译为套汇,单词读音音标为[.ɑ:bi’trɑ:?],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到13个与arbitrage相关的句子。


  例句:And companies from other rich countries will probably continue to enjoy the opportunity for labor arbitrage for longer than American ones, says Mr Sirkin. (Sirkin先生说,其它富裕国家的公司将很可能继续从那些比美国更长久的国家中获取劳动力套利。)


  例句:But there is another, grubbier motive: regulatory arbitrage. (但是,还有另外一个更卑鄙的动机:监管套利。)




  例句:And companies from other rich countries will probably continue to enjoy the opportunity for Labour arbitrage for longer than American ones, says Mr Sirkin. (翻译:Sirkin说,来自其他发达国家的公司可能会比美国公司从劳动力套利中获得更长时间的好处。)

  arbitrage一般作为名词、动词使用,如在direct arbitrage([经] 直接套利)、Discount Arbitrage([网络] 贴现套购)、engage in arbitrage(提交仲裁)等常见短语中出现较多。

  direct arbitrage[经] 直接套利Discount Arbitrage[网络] 贴现套购engage in arbitrage提交仲裁exchange arbitrage[经] 外汇投机交易, 外汇套购financial arbitrage[网络] 金融套利;财务套利模型gold arbitrage[财]黄金套利hard arbitrage[经] 硬行套利, 艰辛的套利index arbitrage指数套利indirect arbitrage[经] 间接套利2. And companies from other rich countries will probably continue to enjoy the opportunity for Labour arbitrage for longer than American ones, says Mr Sirkin. (翻译:Sirkin说,来自其他发达国家的公司可能会比美国公司从劳动力套利中获得更长时间的好处。)

  3. The result is a government that allows inherited wealth, untaxed wealth, and arbitrage and I don’t see an end to the problem. (翻译:结果是允许继承财产,免税财产,套利,而且我们并没有看到问题的结尾。)

  4. One central sin that bedevilled the SIVs was that banks often used them for regulatory arbitrage. (翻译:SIV身上的一大罪过是,银行经常利用它们进行监管套利。)

  5. Astute Singaporeans quickly spotted an arbitrage opportunity. (翻译:精明的新加坡人很快看到了一个套利机会。)

  6. Jack Ryan said you could help me with the Balfour arbitrage. (翻译:杰克·瑞恩说,你能不能帮我 与贝尔福套利。)

  7. We enter into only a few arbitrage commitments each year and restrict ourselves to large transactions that have been publicly announced. (翻译:每年我们限制自己只专注在几个少数已息的大型交易案)

  8. Many expect merger-arbitrage funds to deliver even stronger returns over the next few months once more deals reach a conclusion. (翻译:许多人预计,一旦更多的交易成交,合并套利基金在未来数月内将实现更强劲的回报。)

  9. The elimination of riskless profit opportunities in the futures market is referred to as arbitrage. (翻译:期货市场上消除的利润机会被称为套利。)

  10. Therefore, leans to one side behind the public opinion is the arbitrage risk which the special interest group eyes covetously . (翻译:因此,一边倒的背后是利益集团虎视眈眈的套利风险。)

  11. So the gains from labour arbitrage are starting to shrink, in some cases to the point of irrelevance, according to a new study by BCG. (翻译:所以,从劳动力套利的方法中获取的利益已经开始收缩,根据波士顿咨询集团最新的研究,在某种情况下已经到了没有利润可图的境地。)

  12. “That’s what we’re doing at the moment, taking advantage of that arbitrage, ” Aitken said. (翻译:“充分利用这次的套利,这就是目前我们所做的。”艾特肯说。)

  13. Finally I ended up as an arbitrage trader in New York but in my free time I continued to work on my philosophy. (翻译:最后,我在纽约套利交易的位置上稳住了。但空闲时我仍然继续我的哲学研究。)

  14. “The fact that business is coming here is not a question of regulatory arbitrage: it’s a question of growth and opportunity. ” (翻译:“金融机构来这里发展业务,不是监管套利的问题,而是增长和机遇的问题。”)

  15. His conclusion was that “the lack of a comprehensive design is clear” , and that the structure encouraged regulatory arbitrage. (翻译:他的结论是,“我们显然缺乏一个全面的设计”,这种架构助长了监管套利行为。)

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