claiming是什么意思 claiming的翻译、中文解释

  claiming是什么意思 claiming的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  1. 词释:claiming表示对某物或某事物进行声称或索取。

  2. 语法用法:该动词可用作及物动词或不及物动词,常用于进行时态和被动语态。常见的搭配有:claiming responsibility, claiming damages, claiming victory,等等。

  3. 相关同义词:ert, declare, maintain, insist, argue.

  4. 用法注意:由于该单词涉及到索取和要求,因此使用时需要注意语气和场合,避免使用过于强硬或不恰当的词语。


  1. The company is claiming $2 million in damages.(该公司要求索取200万美元的赔偿金。)

  2. He is claiming responsibility for the successful completion of the project. (他声称对项目的成功完成负有责任。)

  3. The athlete is claiming victory in the race. (运动员声称在比赛中获胜。)

  4. The student is claiming to have finished the ignment, but the teacher is not convinced. (学生声称完成了作业,但老师并不相信。)

  5. The politician is claiming that his opponent is spreading lies about him.(家声称他的对手在散布关于他的谎言。)




  1. He’s claiming that he was not driving the car at the time of the accident.(他声称事故发生时他没有在开车。)

  2. Some people are claiming that the new law violates their constitutional rights.(有些人声称新法律违反了他们的宪法权利。)

  3. The company is claiming compensation for the damage caused by the faulty equipment.(公司在索赔因设备故障造成的损失。)



  例句:Overhead loud grackles are claiming their trees. (头顶上,响亮的白头翁在抢占它们的树枝。)


  例句:Are you claiming you can judge the weight of one single card? (你的意思是你能掂出一张牌的重量吗? – 数一下)


  例句:The government is changing the rules for claiming dole. (正在修改申领失业救济金的规定。)


  例句:Prescott Stable claiming number three, Rainbow. (翻译:Prescott 农场取得 三号 Rainbow 的所有权.)

  claiming一般作为动词使用,如在prior claiming([专利] 在先要求)等常见短语中出现较多。

  prior claiming[专利] 在先要求1. The government is changing the rules for claiming dole. (翻译:正在修改申领失业救济金的规定。)

  2. Prescott Stable claiming number three, Rainbow. (翻译:Prescott 农场取得 三号 Rainbow 的所有权.)

  3. Hopefully that’ll stop anyone claiming I’ve libelled them. (翻译:希望没有人会说我诽谤他们。)

  4. What’s the drill for claiming expenses? (翻译:报销费用的手续是什么? )

  5. What about Ravi Shankar claiming it as his personal discovery and patenting it? (翻译:RaviShankar声明这是他的个人发现并为此申请专利了吗?)

  6. Japanese man claiming to be a few of the more common before Ryotaro been a self-proclaimed ” servant .” ‘ servant ” used for juvenile claiming N with ” feel more confident than ” servant ” claiming ” after I a man of some more . 】 (翻译:日语中男性比较常用的几个自称,之前辽太郎一直是自称“仆”“仆”多用于少年自称, 用“俺”以后感觉比“仆”自称更自信、更男子汉一些。】)

  7. She was only claiming what was rightfully hers. (翻译:她只要求得到理应属于她的东西。)

  8. You asked for 5 years for Jeanne Vidal, claiming it was “lenient”. (翻译:你们要给珍妮·维达尔判处xx年徒刑 还认为这是慷慨 我们得承认)

  9. His former chauffeur is claiming unfair dismissal on the grounds of racial discrimination. (翻译:他以前的司机以种族歧视为不公平解雇的理由提出诉讼。)

  10. I will see no more girls claiming to be Anastasia. (翻译:我不会再见任何声称是 安娜塔西亚的女孩了)

  11. No. But you closed your offices in Caracas in 2008, claiming (翻译:- 但你在xx年关闭了加拉加斯的办公室 声称)

  12. Or anyone claiming to be affiliated to leviathan, (翻译:都没有和我们联系 or anyone claiming to be affiliated to Leviathan,)

  13. Before the explosion, a man claiming to be the terrorist called. (翻译:爆炸5分钟前 有一名自称是的人 往我们节目拨打了电话)

  14. Or someone claiming to be him. (翻译:或者是某个自称是他的人 Or someone claiming to be him.)

  15. You’ve kept Rome from claiming a beautiful victim. (翻译:你的行为让罗马无法因修女的去世而怪罪我们)

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