corvus是什么意思 corvus的翻译、中文解释

  corvus是什么意思 corvus的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 词义:Corvus是拉丁语中乌鸦的意思,常常用于描述乌鸦科动物或者与乌鸦有关的事物。在缩写词中,Corvus通常被用作公司、组织、产品名称之类的首字母缩写。


  - The corvus is a very intelligent bird, often known for its problem-solving abilities.

  - The crow, a type of corvus, is a common sight in many areas.

  - Corvus Defense is a leading provider of tactical rifle scopes and accessories.

  - The company Corvus Pharmaceuticals is developing a new cancer treatment.

  2. 生物学:Corvus是乌鸦科鸟类的学名,包括乌鸦、渡鸦、寒鸦等物种,具有智力高、适应性强等特点。


  - Corvus brachyrhynchos, the American crow, is known for its loud calls and adaptability to environments.

  - The common raven, or Corvus corax, is one of the largest Corvus species and has a widespread distribution.

  - Research has shown that Corvus species have complex social relationships and may even exhibit empathy towards their peers.

  3. 航海:Corvus是古罗马战船上的一种重要装置,用于在战斗中与敌船相连。


  - The Roman navy relied heavily on the corvus to gain an advantage in naval battles.

  - The corvus was a clever invention that allowed Roman ships to board and capture enemy vessels.

  - Despite its effectiveness, the corvus was eventually phased out due to its high cost and risk of capsizing the Roman ships.

  4. 公司/组织名称:Corvus是许多公司、组织和产品的名称,通常被用作首字母缩写。


  - Corvus Energy is a Canadian company that specializes in energy storage solutions for marine vessels and other industrial applications.

  - The Corvus Group is a risk management and security consulting firm that provides services to clients worldwide.

  - The Corvus Insurance Agency offers cyber risk insurance policies to small and midsize businesses.

  - Corvus Belli is a Spanish company that produces miniature figures and tabletop games.


  1. The corvus is a highly intelligent bird that exhibits complex behaviors. (corvus这个词的生物学用法)

  2. The Roman navy’s use of the corvus was instrumental in their victory over the Carthaginians. (corvus这个词在航海中的用法)

  3. Corvus Energy is a leading provider of energy storage solutions for marine vessels. (corvus这个词作为公司名字的用法)

  4. The Corvus Group provides risk management and security consulting services to clients worldwide. (corvus这个词作为组织名字的用法)

  5. The new Corvus insurance policy provides comprehensive cyber risk coverage for small and midsize businesses. (corvus这个词作为产品名称的用法)



  1. The corvus is a bird known for its intelligence and adaptability. (乌鸦是一种以其智慧和适应性而闻名的鸟类。)

  2. The corvus flew down from the tree and picked up the piece of bread. (乌鸦从树上飞下来,捡起了那块面包。)

  3. The ancient Romans believed that the corvus was a bird of prophecy. (古罗马人相信乌鸦是一种预言鸟。)



  例句:You are beginning to vex me, Corvus. (乌鸦你开始让我恼怒了 乌鸦你开始让我恼怒了)


  例句:Magister Corvus, you are very close to finding yourself at the end of a big pike. (Magma 乌鸦 你离找到大鱼已经很近了 你离找到大鱼已经很近了)


  例句:Quintas Attius Corvus gave them every chance to surrender. (昆塔斯·阿提乌斯·科沃斯给了他们投降的机会)


  例句:- Corvus has spies everywhere. (翻译:-龙睡觉了 -到处都有乌鸦密探 -龙睡觉了)

  corvus一般作为名词使用,如在Corvus(乌鸦座 )、genus Corvus([网络] 科尔牙属)、pithecops corvus cornix(黑丸灰蝶;琉球黑星小灰蝶;黑星灰蝶;大斑里白灰蝶;黑圆灰蝶)等常见短语中出现较多。

  Corvus乌鸦座genus Corvus[网络] 科尔牙属pithecops corvus cornix黑丸灰蝶;琉球黑星小灰蝶;黑星灰蝶;大斑里白灰蝶;黑圆灰蝶1. Quintas Attius Corvus gave them every chance to surrender. (翻译:昆塔斯·阿提乌斯·科沃斯给了他们投降的机会)

  2. – Corvus has spies everywhere. (翻译:-龙睡觉了 -到处都有乌鸦密探 -龙睡觉了)

  3. Magister Corvus, we found one of Garrick’s men. (翻译:乌鸦祭祀 我们抓到了一个Garrick的人 乌鸦祭祀 我们抓到了一个Garrick的人 乌鸦祭祀 我们抓到了一个Garrick的人)

  4. I did not expect such fervor from Corvus. (翻译:我没想到乌鸦这么上心 我没想到乌鸦这么上心 我没想到乌鸦这么上心)

  5. Next, the Roman Corvus, the ancient plank designed to board an enemy ship. (翻译:下一个,是罗马人的乌鸦吊,就是古代用来登上敌人船舰的木板。)

  6. By the patronage of Senator Quintas Attius Corvus, the champion of Rome, Marcus Proculus, hero of the Celtic Rebellion, will now face the new champion of Pompeii, The Celt, in single combat! (翻译:在昆塔斯·阿提乌斯·科沃斯议员的恩惠下 罗冠军 ·普罗库卢斯)

  7. One of Corvus’s NMC modules costs about $9, 300. (翻译:乌鸦能源公司的一个NMC模块成本约9300美元。)

  8. And what is that worth, Senator Quintas Attius Corvus? (翻译:那有什么价值,昆塔斯·阿提乌斯·科沃斯?)

  9. You are Corvus the traitor. (翻译:你是乌鸦叛徒 你是乌鸦叛徒 你是乌鸦叛徒)

  10. Because the property of Quintas Attius Corvus will not be taken by some slave. (翻译:因为昆塔斯·阿提乌斯·科沃斯的所有物 不能被某些奴隶据为己有)

  11. Corvus’s batteries are much beefier than the ones used in consumer products, but they are built in a similar way. (翻译:乌鸦能源公司的电池比在消费品中所使用的更强大,但他们是用同样的方法制造的。)

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