cataclysm是什么意思 cataclysm的翻译、中文解释

  cataclysm是什么意思 cataclysm的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




  1. 形容词:cataclysmic, catastrophic

  2. 动词:cataclysmize

  3. 短语:a cataclysmic event(一场灾难件)、economic cataclysm(经济大崩溃)、a cataclysmic transformation(一次猛烈的转变)



  1. The volcanic eruption was a cataclysm that destroyed the entire city.(火山爆发是一场灾难,摧毁了整个城市。)

  2. The world was changed forever after the cataclysmic events of the war.(战争灾难件后,世界永远改变了。)

  3. The economic cataclysm caused by the pandemic has left many people without jobs.(由疫情引起的经济大崩溃使许多人失去了工作。)

  4. The nuclear explosion was a cataclysm that killed thousands of innocent people.(核爆是一场灾难,造成了数千名无辜者死亡。)

  5. The political cataclysm in the country led to a change in government.(国家的动荡导致改变。)

  6. The asteroid impact was a cataclysm that wiped out the dinosaurs.(小行星撞击是一场灾难,导致恐龙灭绝。)

  7. The tsunami was a cataclysm that devastated coastal communities.(海啸是一场灾难,摧毁了沿海社区。)



  1. The earthquake was the worst cataclysm to hit the city in decades.(这次地震是几xx年来袭击该市的最严重的灾变。)

  2. The flood caused a cataclysmic change in the landscape.(洪水在景观上造成了灾难性的变化。)

  3. The end of the world was predicted to come as a cataclysm.(人们预测世界末日将以灾变的形式来临。)



  例句:Cataclysm will also add two new playable races to the Warcraft universe, and an increased level cap for the most dedicated players. (Cataclysm还将增加两个新种族,并提高等级上限。)


  例句:Five times in the last 500 million years, some cataclysm wiped out the dominant species. (5亿年前至今 曾经有5次因地壳剧烈变动,, 而导致有统治地位的物种灭绝.)


  例句:According to Hutt legend, the Hutts hail from the pockmarked and wasteland planet of Varl, and have survived incredible cataclysm to evolve into their current elevated status of “near-gods.” (根据赫特族传说,他们是来自于布满坑洞及荒原的星球瓦尔,并从惊人的剧变当中存活下来、演进到他们现在“接近神”的崇高阶段。)


  例句:-All right, then you know, you know we are on the brink of another cataclysm, probably nuclear, on our own soil. (翻译:- 那好,那你该知道 我们正处于另一次大灾难的边缘 也许是核袭击,就在我们本土)

  cataclysm一般作为名词使用,如在lunar cataclysm([网络] 月球灾难;月球的剧烈变动)等常见短语中出现较多。

  lunar cataclysm[网络] 月球灾难;月球的剧烈变动1. According to Hutt legend, the Hutts hail from the pockmarked and wasteland planet of Varl, and have survived incredible cataclysm to evolve into their current elevated status of “near-gods.” (翻译:根据赫特族传说,他们是来自于布满坑洞及荒原的星球瓦尔,并从惊人的剧变当中存活下来、演进到他们现在“接近神”的崇高阶段。)

  2. -All right, then you know, you know we are on the brink of another cataclysm, probably nuclear, on our own soil. (翻译:- 那好,那你该知道 我们正处于另一次大灾难的边缘 也许是核袭击,就在我们本土)

  3. We don’t have plans for a sanctuary city in the likes of Shattrath or Dalaran for Cataclysm. (翻译:我们目前没有为大灾变设计一个类似沙塔斯或达拉然这样的中心城市的计划。)

  4. We had a temper tantrum in the form of a cataclysm because we wanted them to treasure us, the Ones, more than humanity. (翻译:我们错就错在 太想得到人类的珍惜,不仅仅是人道而已)

  5. And if they knew that some cataclysm was coming, they, too, would want to preserve certain kinds of animals and plant life, and create, you know, what we think of as Noah’s Ark. (翻译:他们也会想保存这个星球上的一些动植物 然后就创造了所谓的诺亚方舟 外星基因库?)

  6. A brutal Pit Lord and servant of Mannoroth the Destructor, Magtheridon found his way to Draenor after its cataclysm. (翻译:玛瑟里顿是者玛诺罗斯的仆人–一个残忍的深渊领主,玛瑟里顿在灾难之后发现了德拉诺。)

  7. This tells us that some toolmakers even in the area directly affected by the volcano managed to survive the cataclysm. (翻译:这说明做这些工具的人 This tells us that some toolmakers, 虽然他们就生活在直接受火山影响的地区 even in the area directly affected by the volcano, 依然设法在这场大灾变中生存下来 managed to survive the cataclysm.)

  8. The first half of the 20th century was an absolute disaster in human affairs, a cataclysm. (翻译:20世纪的上半叶 是人类历史上一个彻底失败的阶段, 那是一场浩劫. )

  9. People think of aliens as these beings invading our planet in some great cataclysm, destroying monuments, stealing our natural resources. (翻译:人们以为外星人会以给我们的星球 带来大灾难的方式入侵 来摧毁我们的家园,偷走我们的自然资源)

  10. When the Fourth Cataclysm begins, laborers, such as yourself, will be among the last led to the butchery. (翻译:到第四灾变开始时, 像你这样的劳动者… 会是最后被宰杀的)

  11. Dreams of cataclysm, the end of the world, are very common. (翻译:梦见… … 战争、世界末日等的梦境…)

  12. We have been caught up in a cataclysm, and during the immediate crisis, until some light gets thrown upon future events, it is absolutely essential to sit tight. (翻译:我们正身陷危难时刻 我不能袖手旁观 我会为之而战斗 直到出现转机)

  13. Cataclysm is likely to be the biggest release of next year. (翻译:“魔兽世界·大灾难”很可能是明年发布的最畅销游戏。)

  14. The immediate cause for this cataclysm was the recession. (翻译:这次灾变的直接原因是这次经济衰退。)

  15. The first half of the 20th century was an absolute disaster in human affairs, a cataclysm. (翻译:20世纪的上半叶 是人类历史上一个彻底失败的阶段, 那是一场浩劫.)

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