alois是什么意思 alois的翻译、中文解释

  alois是什么意思 alois的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 拼写和发音:’alois’是一个较为冷门的单词,其拼写比较特殊,自然读音也较为生硬,需要进行正确的发音练习和拼写训练。


  - Can you spell ‘alois’ for me?

  - The student misounced ‘alois’ as ‘alloys’.

  - Please use a dictionary to check the correct spelling of ‘alois’.

  - The teacher taught the students how to ounce ‘alois’ properly.

  2. 含义和定义:’alois’是一个缩写词,其含义取决于上下文和使用场合。通常指一些特定的学科领域、组织机构、个人姓名等。


  - The ‘ALOIS’ system is a widely used software tool in the field of artificial intelligence.

  - The company’s sales report was presented in a meeting by ALOIS, the general manager.

  - My friend named his cat ‘Alois’, after his favorite philosopher.

  - The university offers a degree program in ALOIS studies.

  3. 语法和用法:’alois’在句子中通常作为名词、缩写词或专有名词出现,需要注意其词性和用法,帮助学生正确运用。


  - The dictionary indicates that ‘alois’ is a noun.

  - ALOIS stands for ‘Artificial Language Operating Intelligence System’.

  - Alois Alzheimer was a famous German psychiatrist and neuropathologist.

  - The professor asked the student to use ‘alois’ correctly in the sentence.

  4. 文化和历史:’alois’有一些文化和历史背景,教师可以引导学生了解其相关的历史事件、人物故事、文学作品等。


  - Alois Brunner was a notorious Nazi war criminal who escaped justice for decades.

  - In Franz Kafka’s novel ‘The Trial’, the protagonist Joseph K. is arrested by a man named Alois H.

  - Alois is a popular name in Austria, often given to boys born on Saint Aloisius’s day.

  - The teacher introduced the students to the life and work of Alois Senefelder, the inventor of lithography.






  1. Alois was a famous warrior in his time. (阿洛伊斯是他那个时代著名的战士。)

  2. The name Alois has a strong and powerful meaning. (阿洛伊斯这个名字具有强大的含义。)



  例句:If Auguste had instead been alive today, we could offer her no more help than Alois was able to 114 years ago. (如果Auguste生活在今天, 我们能为她提供的帮助也不会比 在xx年前Alois为她做的更多。)


  例句:He is a violinist, Alois. A violinist. (他是一名小提琴演奏家,阿洛依斯,演奏家不是拉琴的。)


  例句:Alois Ehrmann launched his company in Germany in 1920. (AloisEhrmann于xx年在德国成立了该公司。)


  例句:Christof Alois Lautner… on this day… voluntarily confessed… that he was in league with the Devil. (翻译:Christof Alois Lautner… 在这一天… 主动交待…)

  alois一般作为名词使用,如在Joseph Alois Schumpeter([网络] 熊彼特;经济学家熊彼特;熊彼得)、joseph alois schumpeters([网络] 熊彼特;经济学家熊彼特;熊彼得

  (joseph alois schumpeter 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

  Joseph Alois Schumpeter[网络] 熊彼特;经济学家熊彼特;熊彼得joseph alois schumpeters[网络] 熊彼特;经济学家熊彼特;熊彼得

  (joseph alois schumpeter 的复数)1. Alois Ehrmann launched his company in Germany in 1920. (翻译:AloisEhrmann于xx年在德国成立了该公司。)

  2. Christof Alois Lautner… on this day… voluntarily confessed… that he was in league with the Devil. (翻译:Christof Alois Lautner… 在这一天… 主动交待…)

  3. In 1961 Israel’s secret service, Mossad, sent one to Alois Brunner, a fugitive Nazi; it cost him an eye. (翻译:xx年,以色列情报机构摩向在逃的分子AloisBrunner寄去包裹,炸伤了他一只眼睛。)

  4. Thus Alois was kept away from her good friend. (翻译:就这样,爱露薏丝和她的好朋友被分开了。)

  5. In 1907, Alois Alzheimer described the presence of plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in a demented patient. Currently, Alzheimer’ (翻译:xx年,阿洛伊斯阿尔茨海默描述存在斑块和神经纤维缠结在痴呆病人。)

  6. After she died, Alois performed an autopsy and found strange plaques and tangles in Auguste’s brain — the likes of which he’d never seen before. (翻译:Auguste死后,Alois对她进行了尸检, 在她的脑子里 发现了奇怪的斑块和纤维缠结—— Alois从来没有见到过这种情况。)

  7. Little Alois was the richest child in the village. (翻译:小露薏丝是村子里最有钱的小孩。)

  8. Bruno S. Frey and Alois Stutzer, “Happiness and Economics” , Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002; (翻译:布鲁诺?S。?弗雷和阿洛伊斯?施蒂策,“幸福与经济学”,新泽西普林斯顿:普林斯顿大学出版社,xx年;)

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