capacitance是什么意思 capacitance的翻译、中文解释

  capacitance是什么意思 capacitance的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


  1. 定义:


  2. 物理原理:


  3. 应用:


  4. 相关词汇:


  5. 缩写词:



  1. The capacitance of a capacitor depends on the distance between its plates.


  2. The capacitance of a capacitor is inversely proportional to the distance between the plates.


  3. The capacitance sensor can measure the level of liquid in a container.


  4. Capacitance touchscreens are widely used in mobile phones and tablets.


  5. The capacitance microphone converts sound waves into electrical signals.




  1. Capacitance is a measure of the ability of a material to store electrical charge.


  2. The capacitance of a capacitor is determined by its size and spacing of its plates.




  例句:The air stripline feeding network is featured with low loss, high power capacitance, and it is easy to control its amplitude and phase. (空气板线馈电网络具有损耗小、耐功率高、幅相控制容易等特点而广泛应用于平面阵列天线中。)

  capacitance一般作为名词使用,如在dielectric capacitance(介电常数;电容率)、differential capacitance([电] 微分电容量)、diffusion capacitance([电] 扩散电容)等常见短语中出现较多。

  dielectric capacitance介电常数;电容率differential capacitance[电] 微分电容量diffusion capacitance[电] 扩散电容direct capacitance[电] 直接电容earth capacitance地电容edge capacitance边缘电容discharge capacitance放电电容discontinuous capacitance不连续电路distributed capacitance[电] 分布电容1. SOI technology is used to reduce the device capacitance and increase transistor performance. (翻译:SOI技术用于减少器件电容和提高晶体管性能。)

  2. The main content of this project is to prepare working electrolyte for high voltage, large capacitance, low ESR wet tantalum capacitors. (翻译:本课题研究的主要内容是用于高压大容量低ESR液体钽电解电容器的工作电解质。)

  3. Measure capacitance value in Farad unit by RC time constant operation. (翻译:用RC时间持续运转来测量法拉单位的电容值。)

  4. By definition, the capacitance is one farad when one coulomb of charge is stored with one volt across the plates of a capacitor. (翻译:根据定义,电容是当一个人的法拉利库仑电荷储存一伏特通过盘子的电容器。)

  5. The type of finish required determines the number of amperes which can be used, the capacitance, frequency, and the voltage setting. (翻译:需要的表面粗糙度的类型,决定了能使用的安培数,电容,频率和电压值。)

  6. Comparison study of solids concentration in cyclone dipleg by CFD and electrical capacitance tomography (翻译:CFD和电容层析成像对旋风筒浓缩特性的对比研究)

  7. The electrical capacitance and impedance of sucrose solution were similar to that of redistilled water. (翻译:蔗糖溶液的电容值相对于重蒸水变化不大,阻抗值的下降幅度亦非常小。)

  8. Both the inertance and capacitance effects are time – dependence. (翻译:惯性和容量的效应都是随时间而变化的。)

  9. The capacitance to ground of that bit of metal produces a small phase adjustment in the circuit. (翻译:小块金属的接地电容在电路中产生小相位调整。)

  10. Is because of the esse of the distributed capacitance but the coupling of the creation. (翻译:是由于分布电容的存在而产生的耦合。)

  11. The output characteristics of the RF power LDMOS are greatly affected by the parasitic capacitance. (翻译:射频功率LDMOS的寄生电容直接影响器件的输出特性。)

  12. Some of the prototypes developed capacitance. (翻译:有些模型能产生电容 Some of the prototypes developed capacitance.)

  13. Mutual capacitance: A layer of driving lines carries current. (翻译:互电容 :一层含有电流的驱动线路。)

  14. Capacitive reactance is a reactance due to the presence of capacitance in an alternating-current circuit. (翻译:容抗是指交流电路中由于存在电容而产生的电抗。)

  15. The metrological characteristics of the capacitance diaphragm gauge (CDG) are studied from various aspects. (翻译:本文从多方面研究了电容规的计量学特性。)

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