cabe是什么意思 cabe的翻译、中文解释

  cabe是什么意思 cabe的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  Aspect 1: Definition and Meaning

  1. ‘Cabe’ is a shortened form of the word ‘cabernet’, which refers to a type of red wine made from the cabernet sauvignon g variety.

  2. In some contexts, ‘cabe’ can also be an abbreviation for ‘cabinet’, which means a piece of furniture with drawers or shelves used for storage.

  3. In casual or slang usage, ‘cabe’ might also be a shortened form of the phrase ‘crazy about’, meaning to have a strong liking or enthusiasm for something.

  Example sentences:

  - I prefer a good cabe over a merlot any day.

  - We need to buy a new cabe to store all our kitchen supplies.

  - I’m cabe for this new Netflix series – I’ve already binge-watched two seasons.

  Aspect 2: Usage in Technology

  1. In computer science, ‘CABE’ can be an acronym for ‘Computer-Aided Biomolecular Engineering’, which refers to the use of computational tools to design and optimize biological systems.

  2. ‘CABE’ can also be an abbreviation for ‘Computer-Aided Building Energy’, which is a software tool used in building design to yze and optimize energy consumption.

  3. In some programming languages, ‘cabe’ might be a variable or function name, with a specific meaning in that particular language.

  Example sentences:

  - The CABE software helped us reduce energy consumption in our commercial building.

  - CABE techniques are important in the field of synthetic biology.

  - The cabe function in Python is used to extract a string’s first character.

  Aspect 3: Local Slang or Dialect

  1. In some regions or communities, ‘cabe’ might be a slang term for someone with a big or prominent head.

  2. ‘Cabe’ can also refer to a type of traditional hat worn by certain ethnic groups, such as the Batak people in Indonesia.

  3. In some dialects or vernaculars, ‘cabe’ might be a word meaning ‘to cut’ or ‘to chop’.

  Example sentences:

  - That guy’s cabe is so big, it’s a wonder he can even stand up straight.

  - The cabe is an important element of Batak traditional dress.

  - Can you help me cabe some firewood for the stove?

  Overall, the word ‘cabe’ can have a range of meanings depending on the context and usage. As a language teacher, it’s important to be aware of these different meanings and provide accurate explanations and examples to students.

  Example sentences:

  - The CABE software helped us reduce energy consumption in our commercial building.

  - CABE techniques are important in the field of synthetic biology.

  - The cabe function in Python is used to extract a string’s first character.




  例句:My name is federal agent cabe gallo, badge number 2835. (我是联邦探员凯布·格洛 证件号2835 My name is Federal Agent Cabe Gallo, badge number 2835.)


  例句:Call Cabe. What do I care? (打给凯布吧 我管呢 Call Cabe.)


  例句:Sylvester: Cabe, watch out! (凯布 当心 Cabe, watch out!)


  例句:Cabe tried to glare at the young officer with hatred and found he couldn’t. (翻译:卡布想用仇恨的眼光瞪视这个年轻的长官,却做不到。)


  CABE英国建筑与建筑环境委员会1. Sylvester: Cabe, watch out! (翻译:凯布 当心 Cabe, watch out!)

  2. Cabe tried to glare at the young officer with hatred and found he couldn’t. (翻译:卡布想用仇恨的眼光瞪视这个年轻的长官,却做不到。)

  3. Cabe said Sima will make it. (翻译:凯布说希玛没有大碍 Cabe said Sima will make it.)

  4. Wrong! I am. Cabe Gallo, Homeland. (翻译:错 现在由我来负责 国土安全部的凯布·格洛 Wrong!)

  5. We have a much better chance of finding that bomber (翻译:我们找到那个放的人的几率 We have a much better chance of finding that bomber 比凯布大多了 than Cabe does.)

  6. Agent Cabe Gallo’s our government handler. (翻译:乐乐 机械天才 Happy, a mechanical prodigy. 射手酸奶 安sim 青椒 狮子章鱼X ellaxinxin 兜兜兜爹倩倩)

  7. Oh, cabe, happy was right. (翻译:凯布 乐乐说得对 Oh, Cabe, Happy was right.)

  8. This is federal agent Cabe Gallo, badge number 2835. (翻译:我是联邦探员凯布·格洛 证件号2835 This is Federal Agent Cabe Gallo, badge number 2835.)

  9. Cabe had the sixth sense common to survivors of war, and he turned around to reach for his weapon. (翻译:卡布像所有的战争幸存者一样有第六感觉,他转过身,想去拿放在桌上的武器。)

  10. Walter and cabe are at the server hub. (翻译:沃特和凯布到服务器了 Walter and Cabe are at the server hub.)

  11. But that might get him running, Cabe. (翻译:但这只会打草惊蛇的 凯布 But that might get him running, Cabe.)

  12. Cabe, can you take out the gun That covers our half of the barn? (翻译:凯布 你能除掉指向我们这半边的枪吗 Cabe, can you take out the gun that covers our half of the barn?)

  13. And he’s not looking at the monitors, so, (翻译:凯布 你该行动了 so, Cabe, you need to move now.)

  14. Cabe, sylvester, paige, myself. (翻译:凯布 希尔维斯特 佩吉和我 Cabe, Sylvester, Paige, myself.)

  15. Cabe will be coming back for these– (翻译:凯布会来拿这个 Cabe will be coming back for these)

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