carter是什么意思 carter的翻译、中文解释

  carter是什么意思 carter的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 词释


  2. 发音与拼写


  3. 词汇搭配

  Carter名字,通常与其他名字或姓氏一起出现,如Jimmy Carter(美国前总统吉米·卡特)、Carter Page(俄罗斯门调查的关键人物)、Carter Smith(电影导演)等。

  4. 常见表达


  (1) CARTER:Consortium for Advanced Radiation Transport in Extended Radiotherapy

  (2) CARTER:Computer-Assisted Relation Therapy and Education Resource

  (3) C.A.R.T.E.R.:Concerned Americans Taking Education Responsibility

  5. 示例句子

  (1) Jimmy Carter is one of the most famous American politicians in history.


  (2) The driver of the truck was a Carter, so he knew the route very well.


  (3) The town of Carter is a small but charming place in Texas.


  (4) The CARTER project aims to improve radiotherapy technology for cancer treatment.

  (CARTER 项目旨在改进癌症放疗技术。)

  (5) The C.A.R.T.E.R. group is dedicated to promoting education and responsibility in American society.

  (C.A.R.T.E.R. 组织致力于推广美国社会的教育和责任。)



  1. The carter loaded the goods onto the cart and drove them to the market. (马车夫将货物装上马车,把它们运往市场。)

  2. The carter was a hardworking man who spent long hours on the road every day. (这个马车夫是一个勤劳的人,每天在路上度过很长时间。)

  3. He hired a carter to transport the goods to the warehouse. (他雇了一个马车夫把货物运到仓库。)



  例句:You know about the Carter Wright death row appeal, don’t you? (你知道死囚Carter Wright上诉的事吗)


  例句:Deputy Director Carter, stand down. (Carter副局长 退后 Deputy Director Carter, stand down.)


  例句:You know that Alicia’s working on the Carter Wright appeal, don’t you? (你知道Alicia在帮Carter Wright上诉吧)


  例句:Is that clear, Miss Carter? (翻译:明白了吗 卡特? Is that clear, Miss Carter?)

  carter一般作为名词使用,如在die carter(压铸工)、Howard Carter([网络] 霍华德·卡特;英国考古学家卡特;英国考古学家霍华德卡特)、john carter([网络] 异星战场;强卡特战记;约翰·卡特传奇)等常见短语中出现较多。

  die carter压铸工Howard Carter[网络] 霍华德·卡特;英国考古学家卡特;英国考古学家霍华德卡特john carter[网络] 异星战场;强卡特战记;约翰·卡特传奇Nick Cartern. 尼克·卡特President Carter[网络] 卡特总统1. You know that Alicia’s working on the Carter Wright appeal, don’t you? (翻译:你知道Alicia在帮Carter Wright上诉吧)

  2. Is that clear, Miss Carter? (翻译:明白了吗 卡特? Is that clear, Miss Carter?)

  3. Carter, this is Detective Sagan, NYPD. (翻译:Carter 这位是Sagan警探 来自纽约警局)

  4. Assistant Director Carter is missing, presumed dead. (翻译:Carter副局长失踪了 Assistant Director Carter 目前认为他已经死亡 is missing, presumed dead.)

  5. Tom Carter, Deputy Director of the CIA. (翻译:我是Tom Carter 中情局副局长 Tom Carter, Deputy Director of the CIA.)

  6. He always does that. Don’t you, Lee Carter? (翻译:他经常这样玩的 对吧 Lee Carter?)

  7. ## When Vince Carter came, stuck his arm in the rim ## (翻译:[When Vince Carter came, stuck his arm in the rim])

  8. Why are you pulling this, Carter? (翻译:Why are you pulling this, Carter?)

  9. Miss Carter, it seems that… (翻译:卡特 似乎… Miss Carter, it seems that…)

  10. Carter, we’ll get the back. (翻译:- 是的 警官 Carter 我们去后面)

  11. – Yeah. Cary, this is Carter Grayson. (翻译:Cary 这位是Carter Grayson)

  12. My name’s Reginald Carter and this is Martha Livingston. (翻译:我叫Reginald Carter 这是Martha Livingston)

  13. You and Carter were the ones that convinced me to do this. (翻译:是你和Carter劝我参与这个计划的 You and Carter were the ones that convinced me to do this.)

  14. – Carter was dead already. (翻译:- He killed Carter. – Carter was dead already.)

  15. Hey, Carter, where’s the Make Out King getting married? (翻译:嘿, Carter, Carl Smith在哪里举行婚礼?)

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