brownie是什么意思 brownie的翻译、中文解释

  brownie是什么意思 brownie的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 定义:’brownie’可以指烤糕饼,也可以指一个年龄较小的女童子军成员。

  2. 来源:’brownie’来源于英国民间传说中的小精灵,据说他们总是爱吃巧克力蛋糕,因此这个单词被用来指代类似巧克力蛋糕的食物。

  3. 美食:’brownie’通常指一种由巧克力、牛油、糖和鸡蛋混合烘焙而成的小蛋糕,可以加上坚果、葡萄干、椰子等配料。

  例句:I love brownies with walnuts. 我喜欢加核桃的布朗尼蛋糕。

  4. 文化:’brownie’也指女童子军中的小分队,通常由6-xx岁年龄段的女孩组成,旨在培养其社交、协作和领导等能力。

  例句:My daughter is a proud Brownie. 我的女儿是一个自豪的小分队成员。

  5. 缩写词:’brownie’可以是一些组织、公司或品牌的缩写词,如布朗尼摄影、布朗尼贝尔公司等。

  例句:Have you heard of Brownie camera? 你听说过布朗尼摄影机吗?




  1. I made some delicious brownies for the party.


  2. Do you like your brownies with nuts or without?




  例句:Oh, well, my new friend’s name was eric. Um, amy lips tasted like the brownie we had for dessert. (Amy嘴唇的味道像我们的甜点 布朗尼蛋糕)


  例句:He better want the brownie sundae. ({fn黑体fs22bord1shad03aHBE4aH00fscx67fscy662cHFFFFFF3cH808080}他更喜欢果仁圣代 {fnarial blackfs12bord1shad04aH00fscx90fscy110}He better want the brownie sundae,)


  例句:No, but the right finding will earn him Brownie points! (不 可是出对了结论能攒工分 No, but the right findingwill earn him Brownie points! 工分?)


  例句:I’d like to cash in all the brownie points I got for bringing the bubbly and any others I might’ve earned over the last nine months. (翻译:要兑现所有的印象分 我使气泡, 我mightve和任何其他人赚 在过去九个月。)

  brownie一般作为名词使用,如在hash brownie([网络] 哈希布朗尼)、pot brownie([网络] 布朗尼)等常见短语中出现较多。

  hash brownie[网络] 哈希布朗尼pot brownie[网络] 布朗尼1. No, but the right finding will earn him Brownie points! (翻译:不 可是出对了结论能攒工分 No, but the right findingwill earn him Brownie points! 工分?)

  2. I’d like to cash in all the brownie points I got for bringing the bubbly and any others I might’ve earned over the last nine months. (翻译:要兑现所有的印象分 我使气泡, 我mightve和任何其他人赚 在过去九个月。)

  3. His twelve-dollar brownie sundae was placed before him in a white bowl set on a gold-rimmed plate. (翻译:在他面前的镶金的盘子上放着的白碗里是一份12美元的布朗尼圣代。)

  4. Take a breath, go get yourself a brownie in the kitchen, just chill. It’s gonna be fine. (翻译:深呼吸,去厨房吃一块巧克力饼 什么都别管了,会没事儿的)

  5. And you find yourself in your grandma’s laundry room eating brownie mix and crying. (翻译:然后你发现自己躲在 阿嬷家的洗衣间吃巧克力蛋糕… 边吃边哭)

  6. We have dollar a cookie, buck 50 a brownie, 70 for the gun. (翻译:我们有1块钱的饼干 50块的蛋糕 还有70块的)

  7. Spotty had done more than simply led Brownie’s human owner to his trapped friend. In a circle around the injured dog, Ted found an. (翻译:斯波蒂所做的远远不只是带领布朗尼的主人来到它被困的朋友跟前。在受伤的布朗尼周围,特德发现有一排狗食和餐桌上的。)

  8. And from an almost certainly laced pot brownie I ate in 2004. (翻译:还有就是因为我在xx年吃的那个有的蛋糕 And from an almost certainly laced pot brownie I ate in 2004.)

  9. But if this works, and Oddball can pick up just a few brownie points in the bargain, then whacko-the-diddly-oh, huh? (翻译:但是如果可以的话,奥迪能胜任 But if this works, and Oddball can pick up 一些巧克力饼,另外再加点 just a few brownie points in the bargain, 呱呱饼,嘿?)

  10. One well-known company has stopped promoting its walnut brownie mix, notes Mr Crain. (翻译:克雷恩指出,有一家知名公司已经停止促销其核桃布朗尼蛋糕粉。)

  11. My only experience with drugs was an encounter with a pot brownie my freshman year– by mistake. (翻译:我唯一一次接触还是在我大一那年 不小心吃了蛋糕)

  12. And another little brownie point for the promotion, Brother Robertson. (翻译:这也是你能争取的另一个加分点 罗伯森老弟)

  13. They’re just trying to score brownie points with politicians. (翻译:他们只是想博得政客们的赞许。)

  14. You’ll have to prove it. This is a very, very good brownie. (翻译:你得有说服力,这是块非常非常好的蛋糕 我能为了它拚命)

  15. Let’s get some nice iced coffees, and maybe a little brownie or something yummy, (翻译:这样吧 咱们去买点冰咖啡 再买点巧克力蛋糕 或者其他什么好吃的)

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