corone是什么意思 corone的翻译、中文解释

  corone是什么意思 corone的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  ’corone’ 不是一个英语单词。请再次确认单词的正确拼写。



  1. The corone sat on the fence, watching me as I walked by.(那只乌鸦坐在篱笆上,看着我走过。)

  2. The corone cawed loudly, announcing the arrival of the new day.(乌鸦嘎嘎叫着,宣布新的一天到来。)

  3. The corone is often considered a symbol of bad luck and death in many cultures.(在许多文化中,乌鸦常被视为厄运和死亡的象征。)



  例句:Cor. 14: 40 But all things must be done becomingly and in order. (林前十四40凡事都要端正得体的按著次序行。)


  例句:Experiment one, trial one. (Experiment one, trial one.)


  例句:They try to be one… one heart… one morality. (他们追求融为一体,一心、一德 They try to be one… one heart… one morality.)

  corone一般作为名词使用,如在San Demetrio Corone([地名] 圣德梅特里奥-科罗内 ( 意 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

  San Demetrio Corone[地名] 圣德梅特里奥-科罗内 ( 意 )1. They try to be one… one heart… one morality. (翻译:他们追求融为一体,一心、一德 They try to be one… one heart… one morality.)

  2. Cor anglais is a musical instrument of the woodwind group. (翻译:英国管乐器是木管乐器组的一种乐器。)

  3. I once went to Cor’s place for a birthday party, together with Frans. (翻译:我曾和法兰仕一起去过柯尔那儿 去参加一个生日派对)

  4. One live as two, two live as one (翻译:One live as two, two live as one)

  5. Not one, not one in the world. (翻译:Not one, not one in the world.)

  6. Objective To Explore the effect different oxygen therapy on chronic cor pulmonale prognostic. (翻译:目的探讨不同氧疗方法对慢性肺源性心脏病预后的影响。)

  7. ? I watched the apples falling one by one, (翻译:? I watched the apples falling one by one)

  8. They tell me he’s developed cor pulmonale and circulatory collapse. (翻译:听说他得了肺源性心脏病 – 还有循环衰竭)

  9. Hemodynamic changes in 90 patients with pulmonary hypertension secondary to chronic cor pulmo-nale were reported. (翻译:对肺心病90例患者进行血流动力学观察。)

  10. It’s similar on “Fruit Tree”, the way the oboe and the cor anglais are… they’re all just playing one long tune and one takes off after the other. (翻译:《果树》同样如此,至于双簧管与英国管 则在长调时演奏,并且交替出现)

  11. Like, one down here, one here, one here, one here, gay. (翻译:Like, one down here, one here, one here, one here, gay.)

  12. All right, this is one-on-one. (翻译:好吧 一对一 All right, this is one -on -one.)

  13. – One million one hundred dollars. (翻译:- One million one hundred dollars.)

  14. I want to thank you, Ivan, for allowing me to use it. (翻译:我们的 One of ours. 你们的 One of yours?)

  15. Cor blimey I better get the defrag right. (翻译:肺心病啊呀我还是得到整理的权利。)

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