belafonte是什么意思 英文名belafonte的翻译、发音、来源

  belafonte是什么意思 英文名belafonte的翻译、发音、来源

  1. 词源


  例句:Harry Belafonte was born on March 1, 1927 in New York City. (哈里·贝拉方特于xx年xx月xx日出生于纽约市。)

  2. 名人

  Harry Belafonte是美国著名的歌手、演员和社会活动家。他因为传唱加勒比音乐和非洲音乐而著名,并且是美国黑权运动的重要人物之一。

  例句:Harry Belafonte was a close friend of Martin Luther King Jr. and helped finance the civil rights movement. (哈里·贝拉方特是马丁·路德·金的密友,并帮助筹资支持了民权运动。)

  3. 音乐


  例句:The song “Banana Boat Song” by Harry Belafonte is one of the most famous calypso songs. (哈里·贝拉方特的歌曲“香蕉船歌”是最著名的卡利普索歌曲之一。)

  4. 缩写

  Belafonte也可以表示一个缩写词,如BEautiful LAndscapes, Fountains & Old TowNEs,意思是美丽的风景、喷泉和古老的城镇。

  例句:Belafonte is a great place to visit if you want to see beautiful landscapes and old towns. (如果你想看美丽的风景和古老的城镇,Belafonte是一个不错的选择。)

  5. 地名


  例句:Belafonte is a small village in the north of Panama, known for its beautiful beaches and clear water. (Belafonte是巴拿马北部的一个小村庄,以其美丽的海滩和清澈的水而闻名。)





  1. Harry Belafonte is a well-known singer, actor and civil rights activist. (哈里·贝拉方特是一名著名的歌手、演员和民权活动家。)

  2. The Belafonte family has a long history of excellence in the arts. (贝拉方特家族有着悠久的艺术卓越历史。)



  例句:The same month, she returned to Las Vegas, appearing with Harry Belafonte at Caesar’s Palace. (同月,她回到了拉斯维加斯,与哈里贝拉方特出现在凯撒宫。)


  例句:Sidney Poitier, Harry Belafonte, and others during a civil rights rally. (西德尼·波蒂埃、亨瑞.贝拉方特和其他人在民权中。)


  例句:Other musicians like Harry Belafonte and the Kingston Trio also recorded songs for which Alan Lomax Shared in the copyright. (像哈里·贝拉方特和金斯顿三重唱这样的音乐人也把阿伦·洛马克斯分享的版权歌曲录制成了唱片。)


  例句:Other musicians like Harry Belafonte and the Kingston Trio also recorded songs for which Alan Lomax shared in the copyright. (翻译:像哈里·贝拉方特和金斯顿三重唱这样的音乐人也把阿伦·洛马克斯分享的版权歌曲录制成了唱片。)

  belafonte一般作为名词使用,如在Belafonte(人名 英 法 贝拉方特)等常见短语中出现较多。

  Belafonte人名 英 法 贝拉方特1. Other musicians like Harry Belafonte and the Kingston Trio also recorded songs for which Alan Lomax Shared in the copyright. (翻译:像哈里·贝拉方特和金斯顿三重唱这样的音乐人也把阿伦·洛马克斯分享的版权歌曲录制成了唱片。)

  2. Other musicians like Harry Belafonte and the Kingston Trio also recorded songs for which Alan Lomax shared in the copyright. (翻译:像哈里·贝拉方特和金斯顿三重唱这样的音乐人也把阿伦·洛马克斯分享的版权歌曲录制成了唱片。)

  3. I want you all to get Hennessey’s best gear onto the Belafonte in 15. (翻译:我要你们在15分钟内 把韩尼西最棒的器材拿走)

  4. My Song: A Memoir of Art, Race and Defiance. By Harry Belafonte; (翻译:《我的歌:追忆艺术,种族与反抗》哈利·贝拉方特著。)

  5. People like Delaney and Belafonte became role models for me. (翻译:德拉尼和百拉芬特这样的人都成了我笔下角色的原型。)

  6. The Belafonte was a long-range sub hunter during the Second World War… which we bought from the U. S. Navy for $900,000. (翻译:贝拉方提号在二次大战期间 曾经是一艘长程驱逐舰 我们用九十万 向美国海军买下来)

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