columnist是什么意思 columnist的翻译、中文解释

  columnist是什么意思 columnist的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  词义:columnist 是指专门撰写某个专栏的作者,一般是指报纸、杂志上的专栏作家。


  词组搭配:guest columnist(特邀专栏作者)、political columnist(专栏作家)、sports columnist(体育专栏作家)、opinion columnist(评论专栏作者)

  短语:/?k?l?m.n?st/ (音标)


  1. His article attracted the attention of many readers and soon he became a regular columnist for the newspaper.(他的文章引起了很多读者的关注,很快就成为了报纸的常驻专栏作家。)

  2. As a columnist, she has to keep up with the latest news and trends in order to write articles that are relevant and engaging.(作为专栏作家,她必须跟上最新的新闻和趋势,以便撰写相关且引人入胜的文章。)

  3. The newspaper has a team of talented columnists who write on a variety of topics, from politics to entertainment.(报纸有一支才华横溢的专栏作家团队,涵盖了从到等多种主题。)

  4. She started her career as a columnist at a young age and quickly gained a reputation for her insightful and thought-provoking articles.(她很年轻就开始了专栏作家的职业生涯,很快凭借着深刻的见解和发人深省的文章赢得了声誉。)

  5. The newspaper’s opinion columnist always has something interesting and thought-provoking to say about current events.(该报的评论专栏作家总能就当前事件有趣而发人深省地说些什么。)

  6. The sports columnist is one of the most popular writers at the newspaper, with a loyal following of readers who eagerly await his next article.(体育专栏作家是该报最受欢迎的作家之一,有一批忠实读者迫不及待地等待着他的下一篇文章。)

  7. The guest columnist was invited to write a series of articles on climate change and its impact on the environment.(特邀专栏作家被邀请撰写一系列关于气候变化及其对环境的影响的文章。)




  1. She started her career as a columnist for a small local newspaper.


  2. The columnist’s article about the latest political scandal sparked a heated debate.


  columnist的中文解释是”专栏作家 、报刊专栏作家”,还经常被翻译为名家专栏,在线发音:[‘k?l?mist],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到24个与columnist相关的例句。


  例句:The best of them, such as the late columnist Khushwant Singh are painfully aware of the damage caused by communal hatred. (其中最明智的那部分人,比如过世的专栏作家Khushwant Singh等人痛苦地意识到了种族仇恨造成的伤害。)


  例句:I know you don’t want to hear it, but you’re a really good columnist. (我知道你听不进去 但你真的是一个好专栏作家)


  例句:The usual columnist’s device at this point is to criticize both views, and segue to a wise alternative. (在这种情况下,专栏作者一般采用的花招是对两种观点各打五十大板,然后过渡到另外一个明智的想法。)


  例句:I think you’d agree he’s a very respected columnist. (翻译:我想你可能会同意,他是个十分受人尊敬的专栏作家。)

  columnist一般作为名词使用,如在fifth columnist(n. 第五纵队队员, 间谍)、gossip columnist([网络] 蜚短流长的专栏作家;指漫谈专栏作家;闲言碎语栏的作家)、social columnist((报刊的)社会新闻栏目作家(或记者))等常见短语中出现较多。

  fifth columnistn. 第五纵队队员, 间谍gossip columnist[网络] 蜚短流长的专栏作家;指漫谈专栏作家;闲言碎语栏的作家social columnist(报刊的)社会新闻栏目作家(或记者)syndicated columnistn. 专栏作家,其撰写的专栏文章可以同时在同属一个报业集团的多种报纸或杂志上同时发表。1. The usual columnist’s device at this point is to criticize both views, and segue to a wise alternative. (翻译:在这种情况下,专栏作者一般采用的花招是对两种观点各打五十大板,然后过渡到另外一个明智的想法。)

  2. I think you’d agree he’s a very respected columnist. (翻译:我想你可能会同意,他是个十分受人尊敬的专栏作家。)

  3. Brazil is “falling to pieces”, lamented Lya Luft, a columnist for Veja, the biggest news magazine, last year. (翻译:去年,巴西最大的新闻杂志veja的专栏作家Lya Luft哀叹:“巴西是满目疮痍啊!” )

  4. This brings its own risks, as our Buttonwood columnist points out. (翻译:正如我们在梧桐专栏指出的那样,这会给瑞士法郎自身带来风险。)

  5. Ceri Marsh, etiquette columnist: It’s not just rude, it’s kind of tacky! (翻译:CeriMarsh,礼仪专栏作家:不仅是不礼貌,还是一种缺乏教养的表现。)

  6. The immensity of this accomplishment is easier to appreciate if you’ve been a columnist yourself, as I have been. (翻译:如果你像我一样,曾经是专栏作家,你就能了解这是多么了不起的一件事了。)

  7. -And a brand new face from Newsday, a fine columnist, Ray Barone (翻译:-此外一张全新的面孔, 出色的专栏作家 -)

  8. I’m co-founder and senior columnist at (翻译:我是网站Worldchanging.com的创始人之一兼高级专栏作家。)

  9. Eppie Lederer’s sister Popo also became an advice columnist. Her column was called “Dear Abby . ” (翻译:艾佩·莱德勒的妹妹波波也是一名咨询专栏作家,她的专栏名称是“亲爱的艾碧。”)

  10. Berlioz had been its brilliant columnist. (翻译:柏辽兹了其辉煌的专栏作家。)

  11. Health Columnist Opts For Sinus surgery. (翻译:健康专栏作家对于鼻窦手术的看法。)

  12. This is a guest post by Alexandra Levit, career advice columnist for the Wall Street Journal. (翻译:这是一个华尔街日报职业咨询专栏专家AlexandraLebivit发的邮件。)

  13. Exactly, I’m not gmng my money to a… female columnist. (翻译:-确切的说,我不会把钱给… 一个女专栏作家.)

  14. Kim Izzo, etiquette columnist: Well I hate to say it, but, yes, it is rude. (翻译:KimIzzo,礼仪专栏家:我讨厌这样说,但是,的确如此,这是一种不怎么礼貌的行为。)

  15. THE first political columnist I ever encountered, after a fashion, was Walter Lippmann. (翻译:我遇到的第一个专栏作家勉强算是WalterLippmann。)

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