cpa是什么意思 cpa的翻译、中文解释

  cpa是什么意思 cpa的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  CPA是Certified Public Accountants的缩写,也就是认证的公共会计师。这个词通常作为名词使用,是指经过专业考试、具备会计、审计、等领域的专业知识和技能的注册会计师。



  “CPA”这个词的发音拼写为 [si:p’i:e?],其中“CPA”即为首字母缩写,所以每个字母都需要单独读出来。

  CPA是Certified Public Accountant(注册会计师)的缩写,是美国颁发的最高会计师资格证书,具有特别的职业、技术和法律地位。在中国,CPA一词也有指注会(注册会计师)的含义。


  读音:[si: pi: ei]


  1. He is a licensed CPA in California.


  2. To become a CPA, you must p a rigorous exam.




  例句:He is a CPA in both New York and New Jersey. (他是一位纽约和新泽西两地的注册会计师。)


  例句:Strengthen Professional Publicity and Supervision to Develop Professional Work Acception of CPA Firm (加强行业宣传和监管完善会计师事务所的业务承接)


  例句:Latest CPA management letter along with Proposer’s responses to any recommendations . (最近一期注册会计师之管理建议书及投保公司之复函。)


  例句:Michael, the son of a CPA, had grown up in Vermont, where he learned to ski at age seven. (翻译:迈克尔是一名注册会计师的儿子,在佛蒙特州长大,xx岁的时候就在那儿学会了滑雪。)

  cpa一般作为名词使用,如在CPA((=Canadian Pacific Airlines)加拿大太平洋航空公司,注册会计师(Certified Public Accountant);中国注册会计师(Certified Public Accountants);注册会计师考试)、uniform cpa examination([经] 注册会计师统一考试)等常见短语中出现较多。

  CPA(=Canadian Pacific Airlines)加拿大太平洋航空公司,注册会计师(Certified Public Accountant);中国注册会计师(Certified Public Accountants);注册会计师考试uniform cpa examination[经] 注册会计师统一考试1. Latest CPA management letter along with Proposer’s responses to any recommendations . (翻译:最近一期注册会计师之管理建议书及投保公司之复函。)

  2. Michael, the son of a CPA, had grown up in Vermont, where he learned to ski at age seven. (翻译:迈克尔是一名注册会计师的儿子,在佛蒙特州长大,xx岁的时候就在那儿学会了滑雪。)

  3. The British equivalent fo a CPA is called a chartered accountant. (翻译:在英国,相当于注册会计师的人员被称为特许会计师。)

  4. Maria: Why don’t you take the CPA exam? (翻译:玛丽亚:你为什么不考注册会计师呀? )

  5. Has acquired CPA certificate and is able to perform financial planning and capital management. (翻译:取得国家认定的会计师资格证书,具有财务计划及资金管理能力;)

  6. The tort is the behavior that the CPA provides mendacious audit statement. (翻译:侵权行为指注册会计师出具不实的审计报告的行为。)

  7. In these years, many auditing collusion erupted. Many CPA firm had been cancelled and a lots of CPA had been punished. (翻译:近几年来中外频频爆发审计丑闻案件,许多会计师事务所被撤销,大量注册会计师受到惩罚。)

  8. CPA, ACCA, with famous audit companies working background preferred. (翻译:会计师、审计师、“四大”背景工作经验者优先考虑。)

  9. As a attestor of accounting information, The audit opinions expressed by CPA are concerned by the public more and more. (翻译:作为会计信息鉴证人,注册会计师发表的审计意见日益受到社会公众的关注。)

  10. Objective: To study microvascular supply for the facial nerve in cerebellopontine angle(CPA)and oculomotor nerve in cavernous sinus. (翻译:目的:研究动眼神经海面窦段及面听神经桥脑小脑角段显微血管供应。)

  11. Two Christian Wolffs own CPA first . (翻译:有两个叫Christian Wolff的有会计资格证 Two Christian Wolffs own CPA first .)

  12. And I’m a CPA with a full roster of clients. (翻译:我是个注册会计师,我有满满一本子的客户。)

  13. A CPA client gave me great advice. (翻译:一位CPA的客户给了我一个很好的建议。)

  14. I submitted an application for your CPA position a couple of weeks ago? (翻译:两星期前我提交了一份简历 申请你们注册会计师的职位)

  15. As a attestor of accounting information, The audit opinions expressed by CPA are concerned by the public more and more. (翻译:作为会计信息鉴证人,注册会计师发表的审计意见日益受到社会公众的关注。)

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