arachne是什么意思 英文名arachne的翻译、发音、来源

  arachne是什么意思 英文名arachne的翻译、发音、来源

  1. 词释:’arachne’是希腊神话中的一位女性,被改编为蜘蛛。在现代英语中,’arachne’意指蜘蛛或与蜘蛛相关的事物。

  2. 拼写和发音:’arachne’的拼写不太常见,容易被拼写错误。在英语发音中,重音位于第二个音节。

  3. 文化背景:’arachne’作为希腊神话中的角色,常常被用于描述勇气和坚韧。此外,在许多文化中,蜘蛛也被赋予了各种象征意义,如智慧、创造力和耐心等。


  1. The arachne weaves her web with remarkable speed and precision.


  2. The story of Arachne is a cautionary tale about the danger of pride and arrogance.


  3. The arachnid crawled slowly across the floor, its eight legs moving in unison.


  4. The arachnophobia support group provided a safe space for people with a fear of spiders.


  5. The intricate patterns in the spider’s web were a testament to the arachne’s skill as a weaver.




  1. The spider web was so intricate it looked like a work of art, just like the one Arachne wove in the Greek myth.


  2. Arachne was a talented weaver, but her pride led to her downfall.




  例句:While the goddess worked on the story of her rivalry with Poseidon , Arachne began to make a delicate web. (当女神编织着她和波塞冬竞争个故事的时候,克尼编织了一张精美的网。)


  例句:Arachne filled her canvas with similar subjects, wonderfully well done, but strongly marking her presumption and impiety. (喀涅用类似的主题填满了她的画布,确乎精彩极了,但明显地表现出她的傲慢和对神的不敬。)


  例句:When both pieces were finished, Arachne saw, to her surprise, that she had been beaten, for the goddess ‘design was infinitely superior. (当她俩的作品完成后,阿刺克涅惊奇地发现自己被打败了,因为女神的图案确实比她的好。)


  例句:Upon this Arachne , in her new shape, ran quickly into the first dark corner she could find. (翻译:于是,何瑞克宁带著一身新的外形,赶紧往她所能找到最先的黑暗角落飞过去。)

  1. When both pieces were finished, Arachne saw, to her surprise, that she had been beaten, for the goddess ‘design was infinitely superior. (翻译:当她俩的作品完成后,阿刺克涅惊奇地发现自己被打败了,因为女神的图案确实比她的好。)

  2. Upon this Arachne , in her new shape, ran quickly into the first dark corner she could find. (翻译:于是,何瑞克宁带著一身新的外形,赶紧往她所能找到最先的黑暗角落飞过去。)

  3. Arachne filled her canvas with similar subjects, wonderfully well done, but strongly marking her presumption and impiety. (翻译:喀涅用类似的主题填满了她的画布。)

  4. – Best guess, it came from an Arachne. (翻译:最大可能 这东西来自克尼[希神] {cHFFFFFF}{3cH111111}{4cH111111}Best guess)

  5. When both pieces were finished, Arachne saw, to her surprise, that she had been beaten, for the goddess ‘ design was infinitely superior. (翻译:当她俩的作品完成后,阿刺克涅惊奇地发现自己被打败了,因为女神的图案确实比她的好。)

  6. Then Arachne shrank to a little creature no larger than one’s thumb. (翻译:结果,何瑞克宁缩小变成和人的拇指一般大的微小生物。)

  7. I don’t know about Arachne, but I know about spiders. (翻译:but I do know about spiders.)

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