ault是什么意思 ault的翻译、中文解释

  assault是什么意思 assault的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  英文单词 “ault” 的意思是攻击或袭击,通常指身体上的暴力或口头上的威胁。它也可以用作名词,表示攻击或袭击的行为。




  1. The victim was left with serious injuries after the brutal ault. (这位受害者在残忍的袭击中受了严重的伤害。)

  2. The police officer was charged with ault after hitting the suspect repeatedly. (这名因多次嫌疑人被指控为攻击行为。)

  3. Verbal ault can be just as damaging as physical ault. (口头上的攻击行为可能和身体上的攻击一样有害。)

  4. The military launched an ault on the enemy stronghold. (对敌方据点发动了攻击。)



  例句:Assault and kidnapping. Assault with a gun, and a bourbon, and a sports car. We’ll get them. (用、波本和跑车袭击 我们会抓到他们的)


  例句:The police have decided to go in with force… sending in a Special Assault Team. (现在接到了新的情报 特种已经开始进入 警方终于使出了强硬手段)


  例句:Brent Norelli. Assault, armed robbery. (Brent Norelli 伤人 持械)


  例句:1545, Assault Force Delta will infiltrate the target building and seize all suspects within. (翻译:3点45分,反恐怖攻击小组负责攻入敌方建筑物 逮捕内部所有嫌疑犯)

  ault一般作为名词、动词使用,如在excusable ault([法] 可以原谅的伤害)、felonious ault([医] 严重暴行, 重罪暴行)、ground ault([网络] 地面攻击;地面突击;地面袭击)等常见短语中出现较多。

  excusable ault[法] 可以原谅的伤害felonious ault[医] 严重暴行, 重罪暴行ground ault[网络] 地面攻击;地面突击;地面袭击heliborne ault直升机机降突击helicopter ault直升机机降突击manned ault有人驾驶空袭兵器突击physical ault[法] 身体伤害, 行凶rocket ault火箭突击simultaneous ault同时发起的冲击tubular ault[网络] 管状攻击1. Brent Norelli. Assault, armed robbery. (翻译:Brent Norelli 伤人 持械)

  2. 1545, Assault Force Delta will infiltrate the target building and seize all suspects within. (翻译:3点45分,反恐怖攻击小组负责攻入敌方建筑物 逮捕内部所有嫌疑犯)

  3. Pled down from attempted murder. (翻译:- What was he in for? – Assault. Bar fight.)

  4. Assault, battery, kidnap, chronic thuggery, brandishment, actual bodily harm, grievous bodily harm harm. (翻译: 电击 绑架 慢性谋财害命 拳打脚踢 实际人身伤害)

  5. Assault, dozens of cyber crimes, (翻译: 数项网络犯罪 ault, dozens of cyber crimes,)

  6. Assault team, we’ve got all the exits covered. (翻译:突击队员,我们已经 得到了所有涉及的出口。)

  7. In Blink Assault you can clearly see and feel the new sense of Terran grittiness. (翻译:在这张截图中我们可以清楚地看到并了解到人族雄伟的感觉。)

  8. Assault, theft, BE, caught three years for armed robbery. (翻译:袭击 偷盗 私闯民宅 Assault, theft, BE, 因为持械被判过xx年 caught three years for armed robbery.)

  9. The Comparative Study on Chinese and Foreign Top BasketballPlayer’s Defending-Ball’s Assault Character (翻译:对中、外优秀男子篮球运动员防守有球队员攻击性的比较研究)

  10. Anyone here seen Assault on Dome 4? (翻译:有人看过Assault on Dome 4吗?)

  11. That means the Assault Two charge you’ve pled guilty to carries a maximum of one year in juvie. (翻译:也就是说根据你已经认罪的指控 将会判你在少管所服刑最高xx年时间)

  12. Zephyr to Assault Team … be aware that all Morrow’s men have pulled back. (翻译:和风呼叫突击队 请注意 所有莫罗的手下都撤进了楼里)

  13. Possession, Trafficking… Weapons, Assault Bodily Harm, Attempt Murder. (翻译:Trafficking… 蓄意 {cHFFFFFF}{3cH2F2F2F}{4cH000000}Attempt Murder.)

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