above是什么意思 above的翻译、中文解释

  above是什么意思 above的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


  1. 作为介词,“above”通常表示“在(某物)之上”,可以用来描述物体的相对位置关系。例如:

  - The plane was flying high above the city.(那架飞机在城市的上空高飞。)

  - The sun rose above the horizon.(太阳从地平线升起。)

  - The bird perched on a branch above my head.(那只鸟停在我头上的一根树枝上方。)

  2. 作为副词,“above”表示“更高”,“更优”,也可以表示“在前面提到的事情之上”。例如:

  - The quality of this product is above average.(这个产品的质量高于平均水平。)

  - She always strives to perform above expectations.(她总是努力超越期望。)

  - We discussed the issue above, so let’s move on to the next one.(我们已经讨论了上面提到的问题,现在继续下一个吧。)

  3. 作为缩写词,“above”可以用来表示“在某人或某物之上”,也可以表示“上文提到的”。例如:

  - The book has a diagram of the brain from above.(这本书有一张俯视大脑的示意图。)

  - As mentioned above, the company is facing some financial difficulties.(如上文所述,这家公司面临一些财务困难。)


  1. The helicopter hovered above the building, ready to rescue anyone in danger.(直升机在那栋建筑物上空盘旋,准备救援任何有危险的人。)

  2. Her grades are above average in all subjects.(她在所有科目中成绩都高于平均水平。)

  3. The instructions above clearly explain how to operate the new machine.(上面的说明清楚地解释了如何操作新机器。)

  4. The moon is visible above the mountain peaks.(月亮在山峰之上可见。)

  5. The building seen above is the new headquarters of the company.(上面看到的建筑物是公司的新总部。)




  1. The bird is flying above the clouds. (这只鸟在云层上方飞翔。)

  2. The temperature is above average this month. (这个月的温度高于平均水平。)

  3. I think the quality of this product is above our expectations. (我认为这个产品的质量超出了我们的期望。)

  4. She has a strong sense of responsibility and always puts the needs of the team above her own. (她有着强烈的责任感,总是把团队的需求放在自己的之上。)



  例句:? Way above the clouds in the sky singing ? (* Way above the clouds in the sky singing * 在云端之上放声歌唱)


  例句:- In the brush above the encampment. (在营地周围的树丛里. In the brush above the encampment.)


  例句:Looking good. ? Way above the clouds in the sky singing ? (* Way above the clouds in the sky singing * 在云端之上放声歌唱)


  例句:I was just gonna ask if it was good, ’cause I don’t remember it. (翻译:and larger items in the overhead bins above your row. 2010.)

  above一般作为介词、副词、带刺、名词、形容词、动词使用,如在not above(不高于

  不超过)、the above(以上所述)、fetch above(卖得好价钱)等常见短语中出现较多。

  not above不高于

  不超过the above以上所述fetch above卖得好价钱from above自高处,自上级from the above[网络] 从以上;综上所述get above超过, 变得自高自大, 自傲gets above超过getting above超过go above超过,超越1. Looking good. ? Way above the clouds in the sky singing ? (翻译:* Way above the clouds in the sky singing * 在云端之上放声歌唱)

  2. I was just gonna ask if it was good, ’cause I don’t remember it. (翻译:and larger items in the overhead bins above your row. 2010.)

  3. Spain desired this treasure above all things. (翻译:西班牙非常想得到这份宝藏 Spain desired this treasure above all things.)

  4. You can usually fake an affectionate kiss at lunchtime. (翻译:for people to rise above their cl in Europe.)

  5. He acted as if he were above our company and above being pleased. (翻译:他表现得就像瞧不起人 难以被取悦似的 He acted as if he were above our company and above being pleased.)

  6. And when you speak Angels sing from above (翻译:And when you speak Angels sing from above)

  7. But you will live, Eponine – Dear God above! (翻译:Eponine – Dear God above!)

  8. Open heavens high above… (翻译:Open heavens high above… 高高在上的天堂之门开启吧… …)

  9. You get blinded by that moon of bright gold above (翻译:你被金色月光蒙住眼 You get blinded by that moon of bright gold above)

  10. May all the angels Of the Lord above (翻译:愿所有的天使 May all the angels of the Lord above)

  11. – We gotta do it above ground. (翻译:得从地上走 {3cH202020}We gotta do it above ground.)

  12. We cannot sing Above the ground (翻译

  13. Okay, once we get above here, above the South Col our bodies will be literally dying. (翻译:一旦我们到达南坳以上 Okay, once we get above here, above the South Col 南坳: 珠峰海拔8000米处)

  14. – But only if we all sell. (翻译:- Well above market. – But only if we all sell.)

  15. Front page above the fold. (翻译:头版头条 Front page above the fold.)

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